12 novembre 2009

Women of Color


This article is from the Feminism References FAQ, by Cindy Tittle Moore tittle@netcom.com with numerous contributions by others.

Women of Color:

Anzaldua, Gloria. _Borderlands: The New Mestiza = La Frontera_.
Spinsters/Aunt Lute, San Francisco. 1987.

Anzaldua, Gloria, ed. _Making face, making soul = Haciendo caras :
creative and critical perspectives by women of color_. Aunt Lute
Foundation Books, San Francisco. c1990.

Collins, Patricia Hill. _Black Feminist Thought_. Unwin Hyman,
Boston. 1990. Series title: Perspectives on Gender; v. 2.
Maps out standpoint epistemology from African American feminist
perspective. May also include under feminist epistemology.

Davis, Angela. _Women, Race, and Class_. Random House, New York, 1981.

DuBois, Ellen Carol and Vicki L. Ruiz, eds. _Unequal Sisters. A
Multi-Cultural Reader in U.S. Women's History_. Routledge, New York.
Excellent collection of articles, many historical studies and some

Hooks, Bell. _Ain't I A Woman_. South End Press, 116 St. Botolph St.,
Boston, Mass. 02115. 1981. ISBN 0-89608-128-1.
Examines the impact of sexism on black women during slavery, the
historic devaluation of black womanhood, black male sexism, racism
within the recent women's movement, and black women's involvement
with feminism. The title comes from an address on the subject
given by Sojourner Truth.

Hooks, Bell. _Talking Back: Thinking Feminist, Thinking Black_.
South End Press, Boston. 1989.

Moraga, Cherrie, and Gloria Anzaldua, eds. _This Bridge Called My
Back: Writings by Radical Women of Color_. Persephone Press,
Watertown, MA, 1981. Kitchen Table Press, New York, 1983.
Anthology of writings by women of color.

Smith, Barbara, ed. _Home Girls: A Black Feminist Anthology_. First
edition. Kitchen Table -- Women of Color Press, New York. 1983.

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