This article is from the Feminism
References FAQ, by Cindy Tittle Moore with numerous
contributions by others.
Feminist Theory and
Bowles, Gloria and Renate Duelli, eds. _Theories of Women's Studies_.
Routledge & Kegan Paul, London and Boston. 1983.
Standard, well known text on feminist research methodology.
Begins the debate.
Bowles, Gloria and Renate Duelli-Klein, eds. _Theories of Women's
Studies II._ Women's Studies, University of California, Berkeley. 1981.
Castro, Ginette. _American Feminism: A Contemporary History_. New
York University Press. 1990. ISBN: 0-8147-1448-X.
From a french point of view, an overview of feminist history
and emerging though in the United States. Originally published in
French as _Radioscopie du fe'minisme ame'ricain_ in 1984.
de Beauvoir, Simone. _The Second Sex_. Translated and edited by H.M.
Parshley. Vintage Books, New York. 1989.
Original copyright in 1952.
Echols, Alice. _Daring To Be Bad: Radical Feminism in America, 1967-1975_.
University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis. 1989.
Covers radical and cultural feminist development.
French, Marilyn. _The Women's Room_. Summit Books, New York, 1977.
Jove Publications, New York, 1978.
French, Marilyn. _Beyond Power: On Women, Men, and Morals_. Cape,
London, 1985. Summit Books, New York, 1985. Ballantine, New York, 1986.
*French, Marilyn. "Do You Have to be a Lesbian to be a
Unions are valid only when both participants are free to make
them, and that a woman who is economically supported by a man,
whose children are economically supported by a man, whose house is
owned by a man, and whose life revolves around a man is bound
several ways, whether or not she actively chose that life. The
freer she can be, the more powerful her choice to stay with her
partner, male or female.
Friedan, Betty. _The Feminine Mystique_. Norton, New York, 1963.
20th anniversary edition with new introduction and afterword by
author. Dell Publishing Co., New York, 1984.
A strong and angry book that stimulated many women who had hitherto
accepted their lot into asking whether their lives could be improved.
Friedan, Betty. _The Second Stage_. Revised edition, Summit Books,
New York, 1986.
This book, written 20 years later, advocates partnership between
women and men in the ongoing development of feminism.
Frye, Marilyn. _The Politics of Reality: Essays in Feminist Theory_.
Crossing Press, Trumansburg, New York. 1983.
Grimshaw, Jean. _Feminist Philosophers_ (subtitle: Women's
Perspectives on Philosophical Traditions). Harvester Wheatsheaf,
London, 1986. ISBN 0-7108-0791-0. Published in the U.S. as
_Philosophy and Feminist Thinking_ by University of Minnesota Press.
"This book is an exploration into some tensions in feminist
thinking and their relationship to philosophy." [from the
preface] The book introduces feminist thinking to traditional
philosophy, and summarizes the results. Extensive bibliography.
Harding, Sandra, and Merrill B. Hintikka, eds. _Discovering Reality:
Feminist Perspectives on Epistemology, Metaphysics, Methodology, and
Philosophy of Science_. D Reidel, Boston and Holland. Sold and
distributed in the USA and Canada by Kluwer Boston. 1983.
Harding, Sandra. _The Science Question in Feminism_. Cornell
University Press, Ithaca, New York. 1986.
Critique of "knowledge," centering on three major epistemological
approaches, feminist empiricism, feminist standpoint, feminist
Harding, Sandra, ed. _Feminism and Methodology: Social Science
Issues_. Indiana University Press, Bloomington; Open University
Press, Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire. 1987.
Harding, Sandra, and Jean F. O'Barr, eds. _Sex and Scientific
Inquiry_. University of Chicago Press, Chicago. 1987.
Harding, Sandra. _Whose Science? Whose Knowledge? Thinking from
Women's Lives_. Open University Press, Milton Keynes; Cornell
University Press, Ithaca, New York. 1991.
Hooks, Bell. _Feminist Theory From Margin To Center_. South End
Press, Boston MA. 1984.
An excellent survey of different feminist philosophies and their
relationships to one another.
Jaggar, Alison M. _Feminist Politics and Human Nature_. Rowman &
Allanheld, Totowa, New Jersey. 1983.
What is human nature? Is there a "feminine" and a "masculine"?
Looking at radical, liberal and socialist feminist perspectives in
addressing this question.
Jaggar, Alison M. and Paula Rothenberg Struhl. _Feminist Frameworks:
Alternative Theoretical Accounts of the Relations between Women and
Men_. Second edition. McGraw-Hill, New York. 1984.
A worthwhile though incomplete reader that sorts out various
schools of feminist thought.
Jaggar, Alison M. and Susan R. Bordo, eds. _Gender/Body/Knowledge:
Feminist Reconstructions of Being and Knowing_. Rutgers University
Press, New Jersey. 1989.
Writings on feminist methodology.
Koedt, Anne, Ellen Levine and Anita Rapone. _Radical Feminism_.
Quadrangle Books, New York. 1973.
An anthology of radical feminist work.
Komisar, Lucy. _The New Feminism_. F. Watts, New York. 1971.
La Follette, Suzanne. _Concerning Women_. Reprint. Series: American
Women: Images and Realities. Arno Press, New York. 1972.
Originally written in 1926. Espouses individualist feminism.
*Leoff, Constance. _Bluff Your Way in Feminism_. ISBN: 8-948456-29-9.
Provides an overview of (British) feminism; brief, amusing,
occasionally mildly scurrilous, well researched and covers a lot
of ground. May be hard to find.
McElroy, Wendy, ed. _Freedom, Feminism and the State. An Overview of
Individualist Feminism_. Second edition. Holmes & Meier, New York, 1991.
Anthology of works by historical feminists as well as contemporary
feminists expressing the individualist point of view.
MacKinnon, Catharine. _Feminism Unmodified: Discourses on Life and
Law_. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA. 1987.
MacKinnon, Catharine. _Toward a Feminist Theory of the State_.
Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA. 1989.
The book, really, is an attempt to answer the question. "What
would a form of government which is actively feminist be like?"
Here the word 'feminist' is used in the sense of 'radical
feminism.' The book and the analysis are definitely influenced by
Marxist theory --- indeed the author calls it 'postmarxist'. In
the same way as would a similar analysis of a Marxist state, some
aspects of the hypothetical feminist state are incompatible with
Mitchell, Juliet and Ann Oakley, eds. _The Rights and Wrongs of
Women_. Penguin, Harmondsworth, New York. 1976.
Mitchell, Juliet and Ann Oakley, eds. _What Is Feminism? A
Re-Examination_. Pantheon Books, New York. B. Blackwell, Oxford, UK. 1986.
Morgan, Robin, ed. _Sisterhood is Powerful: An Anthology of Writings
from the Women's Liberation Movement_. Random House, New York, 1970.
Morgan Robin, ed. _Sisterhood is Global: The International Women's
Movement Anthology_. Anchor Press/Doubleday, Garden City, New York. 1984.
Pateman, Carole and Elizabeth Gross, eds. _Feminist Challenges. Social
and Political Theory_. Northeastern University Press, PO Box 116,
Boston, Mass. 02117. 1986. ISBN: 1-55553-004-4.
New and established scholars demonstrate the application of
feminism in a range of academic disciplines including history,
philosophy, politics, and sociology.
Raymond, Janice G. _A Passion for Friends: Toward a Philosophy of
Female Affection_. Beacon Press, Boston (also Women's Press, London).
Sherwin, Susan. "Philosophical Methodology and Feminist Methodology:
Are They Compatible?" in Code, Lorraine; Mullet, Sheila; Overall,
Christine, (eds.) _Feminist Perspectives, Philosophical Essays on
Method And Morals_, University of Toronto Press, Toronto, 1988.
Susan Sherwin discusses why a paper of hers submitted to the
Canadian Philosophical Association was rejected. She concludes
feminist methodology is a valid methodology for philosophy.
Smith, Dorothy E. _The Everyday World as Problematic: A Feminist
Sociology_. Northeastern Universty Press, Boston. 1987.
Explication of standpoint epistemology.
Taylor, Joan Kennedy. _Reclaiming the Mainstream: Individualist
Feminism Rediscovered_. 1992.
"... reclaims feminism from the socialists and collectivists and
what Taylor calls the 'appeal of victimization'. 'We feminists
who believe in the inspiring history and classical liberal
mainstream of American feminism should not give up our claim to
the name _feminist_,' she writes, 'any more than institutions
supporting limited government should give up their claim to the
name liberal.' Taylor scrutinizes and reframes feminism from Mary
Wollstonecraft to Anita Hill. I was struck by her generosity of
spirit in dealing with the issues raised: most particularly her
chapter on 'The Temptation of Political Expediency:
Antipornography.' Hers is a thorough and satisfying examination
of the attitudes surrounding this explosive issue. And she
covers all the potentially divisive issues: abortion, comparable
worth, rape, discrimination real and imagined. "Taylor 'holds it
important to support the full flowering of the individual life'
and calls for the advocacy of individual rights as a proper
political stance for feminists." [Andrea Millen Rich]
Winders, J. A. _Gender, Theory, and the Canon_. University of
Wisconsin Press, 1991.
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