This article is from the Feminism
References FAQ, by Cindy Tittle Moore with numerous
contributions by others.
Adelman, Clifford. "Putting Women's Education to Work Could Enrich
U.S. Economy," _Los Angeles Times_, October 28, 1990, Opinion Section.
Author is a senior associate in the Office of Research, US Dept. Ed.
Fascinating discussion on the US Department of Education's study
of the high-school class of 1972.
Antler, Joyce and Sari Knopp Biklen, eds. _Changing Education: Women
as Radicals and Conservators_. 1990.
In particular, chapter 10: The Impact of Higher Education upon
Career and Family Choices: Simmons College Alumnae, 1906-1926
deals with working/middle class women vs. elite.
Astin, A.W. _From Critical Years: Effects of College on Beliefs,
Attitudes and Knowledge_. 1977.
Bennett, Sheila Kishler, "Student Perceptions of and Expectations for
Male and Female Instructors: Evidence Relating to the Question of
Gender Bias in Teaching Evaluation", _Journal of Educational
Psychology_, 74 (1982), 170-179.
Block, J.H. "Gender Differences and the Implications for Educational
Policy," in Block, J.H. _Sex Role Identity and Ego Development_, 1984.
Burstall, Sara A. _The Education of Girls in the United States_. 1984.
Clarke, Hansen and Michael Meyers. "Should States Support Single-sex,
Black Schools?" in _State Government News, 35(1), Jan. 1, 1992, p16.
Brown vs. Board of Education / segregation argument.
Clark, Shirley M. and Mary Corcoran. "Perspectives on the
Professional Socialization of Women Faculty: A Case of Accumulative
Disadvantage?", _Journal of Higher Education_, Vol. 57, No. 1,
Jan./Feb. 1986.
Edwards, Elizabeth. "Educational Institutions or Extended Families?
The Reconstruction of Gender in Women's Colleges in the Late
Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries," in _Gender and Education_,
1990 2(1), pp 17-35.
Women's colleges in Victorian Britain.
Fennema, Elizabeth, and M. Jane Ayer. _Women and Education_. 1984.
Graham, P.A. "Women in Higher Education: A Bibliographical Inquiry,"
at New York: Columbia University, Barnard College. 1974. ERIC
Reproduction Document Service No: ED095742
Hall, Roberta M., with Bernice R. Sandler. "The Classroom Climate: A
Chilly One for Women?", Copyright 1986 by the Project on the Status
and Education of Women, Association of American Colleges, Washington,
DC, 1986.
Hanzot, Elizabeth. _Myths of Coeducation_. 1984.
Harrington, Susan Marie. "Barriers to Women in Undergraduate
Computer Science: The Effects of the Computer Environment on the
Success and Continuance of Female Students", PhD Thesis, Division of
Teacher Education, University of Oregon, 1990.
Howe, Florence. _Gender in the Classroom_.
Huff, C. and J. Cooper. "Sex Bias in Educational Software: The Effect of
Designers' Stereotypes on the Software They Design", _J. Applied Soc.
Psych._, Vol. 17, No. 6, pp. 519-532, 1987.
Jimenez, E. and M.E. Lockhead. "The Relative Effectiveness of
Single-sex and Coeducational Schools in Thailand," in _Education
Evaluation and Policy Analysis_, Summer 1989, 11(2) 117.
Compares math achievement.
Jimenez, Emmanuel and Marlaine E. Lockhead. "Enhancing Girls'
Learning Through Single-sex Education: Evidence and a Policy
Conundrum," in _Education Evaluation and Policy Analysis, Summer '89,
11(2), p117.
Figures socio-economic factors into data.
Kersteen, Z., M. Linn, M. Clancy, and C. Hardyck. "Previous
experience and the learning of computer programming: The computer
helps those who help themselves", _Journal of Educational Computing
Research_, 4(3), 321-333, 1988.
Kierstead, Diane, Patti D'Agostino, and Heidi Dill. "Sex Role
Stereotyping of College Professors: Bias in Students' Ratings of
Instructors", _Journal of Educational Psychology_, 80 (1988), 342-344.
Klein, S.S, ed. _Handbook for Achieving Sex Equity Through
Education_, The Johns Hopkins Univ. Press, 1985.
Lee, V.E., and A.S. Bryk. "Effects of Single-sex Secondary Schools on
Student Achievement and Attitude," in _Journal of Educational
Psychology_, 78(5), 1986.
One of the more well-known studies.
Lee, Valerie E. and Helem M. Marks. "Sustained Effects of Single-sex
Secondary School Experience on Attitudes, Behaviors and Values in
College," in _Journal of Educational Psychology_, 82(3), Sept 1, 1990,
Re-examines subjects of '86 study in college.
Lee, Valerie E. and Marlaine E. Lockhead. "The Effects of Single-sex
Schooling on Achievement and Attitiudes in Nigeria," in _Comparative
Education Review_, 34(2), May 1, 1990, p209.
Same conclusions as Bryk & Lee '86 for USA.
Leveson, Nancy, "Educational Pipeline Issues for Women",
_Computing Research News_, October 1990 and January 1991.
McPhie, Laura E. "Viability of Single-sex Education" in _Initiatives_,
Falll 1990, 53(3), 23.
Describes parallel histories of Amherst & Smith colleges.
Marsh, Herbert W. "Effects of Attending Single-sex and Coeducational
High Schools: Achievement, Attitude, Behaviors and Sex Differences,"
in _Journal of Educational Psychology_, Mar 1, 1989, 81(1), p70.
Concludes that coeducation and single-sex are same
Marsh, Herbert W. "Public, Catholic Single-sex and Catholic
Coeducational High Schools: Their Effects on Achievement, Affect and
Behaviors," in _American Journal of Education_, 99(3), May 1, 1991, p320.
Contradicts Bryk & Lee; single sex = coeducation.
Martin, Elaine. "Power and Authority in the Classroom: Sexist
Stereotypes in Teaching Evaluations", _Journal of Women in Culture
and Society_, 9 (1984), 482-492.
Ndunda, Mutindi Mumbua Kiluva. "'Because I am a Woman': Young Women's
Resistance to Science Careers in Kenya," in Thesis, Queen's
University, Canada, Jul 1990. ERIC Reproduction Document Service No:
Boys & girls science experience differs in gender related ways
Ott, Mary. "Female Engineering Students-- Attitudes, Characteristics,
Expectations, Responses to Engineering Education", Final report for
NSF grant #SMI-75-18013A01, ERIC Document #ED 160400.
Pallotta-Chiarolli, Maria. "The Female Stranger in a Male School,"
_Gender and Education_ 1990 2(2), pp 169-183.
Girls have higher level of gender awareness
Riordan, C. "Public and Catholic Schooling: The Effects of Gender
Context Policy," in _American Journal of Education_, v5, 1985.
Weeds out "the catholic school effect" in data.
Rubenfeld, Mona I. "Relationship Between College Women's Occupational
Interests and a Single-sex Environment," in _The Career Development
Quarterly_, 40(1), Sept. 1, 1991, p64.
Sandler, Bernice R., with the assistance of Roberta M. Hall, "The
Campus Climate Revisited: Chilly for Women Faculty, Administrators,
and Graduate Students", Copyright 1986 by the Project on the Status
and Education of Women, Association of American Colleges,
Washington, DC, 1986.
Sandler, Bernice R., "The Classroom Climate: Chilly for Women?",
Deneef, et al, editors, The Academic Handbook, Durham: Duke
University Press, 1988, pages 146-152.
Sexton, Patricia. _Women in Education_. 1976.
History of discrimination against women throughout all aspects of
Schneider, Frank W., Larry M. Coutts, and Meyer W. Starr. "In Favour
of Coeducation: The Educational Attitudes of Students from
Coeducational and Single-sex High Schools," in _Canadian Journal of
Education_, Fall 88, 13(4), p479.
Questionaire based research
Sidner, Candace L. "On Being a Woman Student at MIT or How to
Miss the Stumbling Blocks in Graduate Education", Unpublished
report, 1980.
Speck, Phoebe. "Jack Captured the Crown and Jill Came Tumbling After:
The Gender Factor in Curriculum Policy..." in Paper Presented at the
Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association. Apr
1991. ERIC Reproduction Document Service No: ED331189
Role of gender in curriculum development
Stables, Andrew. "Differences Between Pupils From Mixed and
Single-sex Schools in Their Enjoyment of School Subjects and in Their
Attitudes to Science and to School," in _Educational Review_, 1990
42(3), pp 221-230.
Polarization of attitudes in mixed English schools.
Statham, Anne, Laurel Richardson, and Judith A. Cook. _Gender and
University Teaching_. A volume in the SUNY Series in Gender and
Society, Cornelia Butler Flora, ed. State University of New York
Press. 1991. ISBN: 0-7914-0704-7.
Examines university teaching from several perspectives: what
female and male professors do in the classroom, their perceptions
and feelings about teaching, and how students respond.
Stoecker, Judith L. and Ernest T. Pascarella. "Women's Colleges and
Women's Career Attainments Revisited" in _Journal of Higher
Education_, Jul-Aug 1991, 62(4), pp 394-406.
Explores influence of women's college on career attainment
Stowe, Laurence G. "Should Physics Classes be Single-sex?" in
_Physics Teacher_, Sept. 1, 1991, 29(6), p 380.
Tidball, M.D. and V. Kistiakowsky. "Baccalaureate Origins of American
Scientists..." in _Science_ 1976, V 193, pp646-652.
Tidball, M.D. "Women's Colleges and Women Achievers Revisited" in
_Signs: Journal of Women in Culture & Society_, 1980, V 5, pp 504-515.
This is one of the studies that claims the infamous "X% of all
successful women came from women's colleges"
Vedantham, Anu, "A Hostile Educational Environment", MIT, 6.001,
Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs, in Spring, 1990,
Wood, Sherree F. "Educational Access for Women in the United States,"
in _Community College Quarterly of Research and Practice_, Apr-Jun
1991, 15(2), pp225-233.
Compares Bryn Mahr/Wellesley to Oberlin/U of Mich.
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