This article is from the Feminism
References FAQ, by Cindy Tittle Moore with numerous
contributions by others.
Sexual Harassment and
Baker, Douglas D., David E. Terpstra, and
Kinley Larantz. "The
Influence of Individual Characteristics and Severity of Harassing
Behavior on Reactions to Sexual Harassment", _Sex Roles: A Journal of
Research_, 5/6 (1990) 305-325.
Bem, Sandra L. and Daryl J. Bem. "Does Sex-biased Job Advertising
'Aid and Abet' Sex Discrimination?", _Journal of Applied Social
Psychology_, 3 (1973): 6-18.
Chestler, Phyllis. [book review in psychology today, statistics
on child custody awards]
Dale, R.R. _Mixed or Single-sex Schools_. Vols. I & II. 1969.
Wide range of research on secondary schools.
Epstein, Cynthia Fuchs, and William J. Goode, eds. _The other half;
roads to women's equality_. Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ.
Epstein, Cynthia Fuchs, and Rose Laub Coser, eds. _Access to power :
cross-national studies of women and elites_. Allen & Unwin, London
and Boston. 1981.
Epstein, Cynthia Fuchs. _Deceptive distinctions : sex, gender, and
the social order_. Yale University Press, New Haven; Russell Sage
Foundation, New York. c1988.
Epstein, Cynthia Fuchs. _Woman's place; options and limits in
professional careers_. University of California Press, Berkeley.
*Epstein, Cynthia Fuchs. "Bringing Women In: Rewards, Punishments,
and the Structure of Achievement", pages 13-22.
Game, Ann and Rosemary Pringle. _Gender at Work_. Allen and Unwin,
Sydney and Boston. 1983.
Sex discrimination in employment against women in Australia.
*Goldberg, Philip, "Are Women Prejudiced Against Women?", _Trans-
Action_, 5 (1986), 28-80. [am not sure what "Trans-Action" is]
Gornick, Vivian and Barbara K. Moran, eds. _Women in Sexist Society_.
New York: Basic Books, 1972.
Kaschak, Ellyn. "Sex Bias in Student Evaluations of College Professors",
_Psychology of Women Quarterly_, 2 (1978), 235-242.
LaPlante, Alice. "Sexist Images Persist at Comdex", _Infoworld_,
November 27, 1989, page 58.
Lattin, Patricia Hopkins. "Academic Women, Affirmative Action, and
Middle-America in the Eighties", in Resa L. Dudovitz, ed., _Women in
Academe_. Pergamon Press, Oxford. 1984. 223-230.
MacKinnon, Catharine. _Sexual Harassment of Working Women: A Case of
Sex Discrimination_. Yale University Press, New Haven. 1979.
MacKinnon, Catharine. "Reflections on Sex Equality Under Law," in
_Harvard Civil Rights-Civil Liberties Law Review_. Vol. 20, no. 2.
Paludi, Michele A. and William D. Bauer. "Goldberg Revisited: What's
in an Author's Name", _Sex Roles: A Journal of Research_, 9 (1983)
Paludi, Michele A. and Lisa A. Strayer. "What's in an Author's Name?
Different Evaluations of Performance as a Function of Author's
Name", _Sex Roles: A Journal of Research_, 12 (1985) 353-361.
Pringle, Rosemary. _Secretaries Talk: Sexuality, Power and Work_,
Verso, New York and London. 1989.
Sex discrimination and sexual harrassment of women.
Rowe, Mary P. "Barriers to Equality: The Power of Subtle
Discrimination to Maintain Unequal Opportunity", _Employee
Responsibilities and Rights Journal_, Vol. 3, No. 2, 1990. 153-163.
Rowe, Mary P. "Dealing with Sexual Harassment", _Harvard Business
Review_, May-June 1981, 42-47.
Russ, Joanna. _How to Suppress Women's Writing_. University of Texas
Press, 1983, ISBN 0-292-72445-4 (pbk).
This book analyzes the multitude of subtle and not-so-subtle ways
in which women writers have been given less than full credit for
their work throughout history. It is the perfect companion volume
to Ellen Moers's _Literary Women_.
Sadker, Myra and David Sadker. "Sexism in the Schoolroom of the
80's", _Psychology Today_, March 1985.
Selvin, Paul. "Does the Harrison Case Reveal Sexism in Math?",
_Science_ 252 (June 28, 1991), 1781-1783.
Simeone, Angela. _Academic Women: Working Towards Equality_. Bergin
and Garvey Publishers, Inc., Massachusetts. 1987.
Sproull, Lee, Sara Kiesler, and David Zubrow, eds. "Encountering an
Alien Culture", in _Computing and Change on Campus_. Cambridge
University Press, UK. 1987, pages 173-194.
Stewart, Elizabeth, Nancy Hutchinson, Peter Hemmingway, and Fred
Bessai. "The Effects of Student Gender, Race, and Achievement on
Career Exploration Advice Given by Canadian Preservice Teachers",
_Sex Roles: A Journal of Research_, 21 (1989) 247-262.
Sumrall, Amber Coverdale and Dena Taylor, eds. _Sexual Harassment:
Women Speak Out_. The Crossing Press, Freedom, CA 95019, 1992. ISBN
0-89594-544-4. ($10.95)
Highly recommended. This book consists of short (2-4 pages) essays
by women about their experiences with Sexual Harassment, everything
from taunts and whistles to rape and other physical abuse. Stories
are interspersed with comics drawn by women and some poetry. Many
of the stories describe the early conditioning that women receive
that makes us put up with so much. The book is dedicated to Anita
Top, Titia J., "Sex Bias in the Evaluation of Performance in the
Scientific, Artistic, and Literary Professions: A Review.", Sex Roles: A
Journal of Research, 24 (1991) 73-106.
Weinraub, Marsha and Lynda M. Brown, "The Development of Sex-
Role Stereotypes in Children: Crushing Realities", Franks and
Rothblum, editors, _The Stereotyping of Women: Its Effects on Mental
Health_, Springer Publishing Company, New York. 1983, pages 30-58.
Weitzman, Lenore. _The Marriage Contract_.
"...child care decisions. Twentieth century case law has
established the presumption that prefers mothers as the custodians
of their children after divorce, particularly if the children are
of "tender years." [Mnookin, "Custody Adjudication," p. 235.]
statues have put the wife on an equal footing with the husband,
and have instructed the courts to award custody in the best
interest of the child, judges typically have held that *it is
in the child's best interest not to be separated from the mother*
--unless she has been shown to be unfit. [Ibid.]
"The child's best interest" has thus evolved into a judicially
constructed presumption that the love and nurturance of a fit
mother is always in the child's (and society's) best interest.
The result has been a consistent pattern of decisions that both
justify and further reinforce the maternal presumption....
"Over the past fifty years the assumption that the mother is the
natural and proper custodian of the children has been so widely
accepted that it has rarely been questioned, and even more rarely
challenged. As Alan Roth asserts, many of the rationales offered
by the courts for the maternal preference have the ring of
divine-right doctrine [Alan Roth, "The Tender Years Presumption in
Child Custody Disputes," _Journal_of_Family_Law_ 15, no. 3 (1972)]"
"More recently the social science adduced to support the maternal
presumption has been challenged, but the presumption itself has
been considered wise because it avoids "the social costs" of
contested cases. [See, for example, R. Levy and P. Ellsworth
"Legislative Reform of Child Custody Adjudication,"
_Law_and_Society_Review_, Nov. 1969, p. 4]
Influence of Individual Characteristics and Severity of Harassing
Behavior on Reactions to Sexual Harassment", _Sex Roles: A Journal of
Research_, 5/6 (1990) 305-325.
Bem, Sandra L. and Daryl J. Bem. "Does Sex-biased Job Advertising
'Aid and Abet' Sex Discrimination?", _Journal of Applied Social
Psychology_, 3 (1973): 6-18.
Chestler, Phyllis. [book review in psychology today, statistics
on child custody awards]
Dale, R.R. _Mixed or Single-sex Schools_. Vols. I & II. 1969.
Wide range of research on secondary schools.
Epstein, Cynthia Fuchs, and William J. Goode, eds. _The other half;
roads to women's equality_. Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ.
Epstein, Cynthia Fuchs, and Rose Laub Coser, eds. _Access to power :
cross-national studies of women and elites_. Allen & Unwin, London
and Boston. 1981.
Epstein, Cynthia Fuchs. _Deceptive distinctions : sex, gender, and
the social order_. Yale University Press, New Haven; Russell Sage
Foundation, New York. c1988.
Epstein, Cynthia Fuchs. _Woman's place; options and limits in
professional careers_. University of California Press, Berkeley.
*Epstein, Cynthia Fuchs. "Bringing Women In: Rewards, Punishments,
and the Structure of Achievement", pages 13-22.
Game, Ann and Rosemary Pringle. _Gender at Work_. Allen and Unwin,
Sydney and Boston. 1983.
Sex discrimination in employment against women in Australia.
*Goldberg, Philip, "Are Women Prejudiced Against Women?", _Trans-
Action_, 5 (1986), 28-80. [am not sure what "Trans-Action" is]
Gornick, Vivian and Barbara K. Moran, eds. _Women in Sexist Society_.
New York: Basic Books, 1972.
Kaschak, Ellyn. "Sex Bias in Student Evaluations of College Professors",
_Psychology of Women Quarterly_, 2 (1978), 235-242.
LaPlante, Alice. "Sexist Images Persist at Comdex", _Infoworld_,
November 27, 1989, page 58.
Lattin, Patricia Hopkins. "Academic Women, Affirmative Action, and
Middle-America in the Eighties", in Resa L. Dudovitz, ed., _Women in
Academe_. Pergamon Press, Oxford. 1984. 223-230.
MacKinnon, Catharine. _Sexual Harassment of Working Women: A Case of
Sex Discrimination_. Yale University Press, New Haven. 1979.
MacKinnon, Catharine. "Reflections on Sex Equality Under Law," in
_Harvard Civil Rights-Civil Liberties Law Review_. Vol. 20, no. 2.
Paludi, Michele A. and William D. Bauer. "Goldberg Revisited: What's
in an Author's Name", _Sex Roles: A Journal of Research_, 9 (1983)
Paludi, Michele A. and Lisa A. Strayer. "What's in an Author's Name?
Different Evaluations of Performance as a Function of Author's
Name", _Sex Roles: A Journal of Research_, 12 (1985) 353-361.
Pringle, Rosemary. _Secretaries Talk: Sexuality, Power and Work_,
Verso, New York and London. 1989.
Sex discrimination and sexual harrassment of women.
Rowe, Mary P. "Barriers to Equality: The Power of Subtle
Discrimination to Maintain Unequal Opportunity", _Employee
Responsibilities and Rights Journal_, Vol. 3, No. 2, 1990. 153-163.
Rowe, Mary P. "Dealing with Sexual Harassment", _Harvard Business
Review_, May-June 1981, 42-47.
Russ, Joanna. _How to Suppress Women's Writing_. University of Texas
Press, 1983, ISBN 0-292-72445-4 (pbk).
This book analyzes the multitude of subtle and not-so-subtle ways
in which women writers have been given less than full credit for
their work throughout history. It is the perfect companion volume
to Ellen Moers's _Literary Women_.
Sadker, Myra and David Sadker. "Sexism in the Schoolroom of the
80's", _Psychology Today_, March 1985.
Selvin, Paul. "Does the Harrison Case Reveal Sexism in Math?",
_Science_ 252 (June 28, 1991), 1781-1783.
Simeone, Angela. _Academic Women: Working Towards Equality_. Bergin
and Garvey Publishers, Inc., Massachusetts. 1987.
Sproull, Lee, Sara Kiesler, and David Zubrow, eds. "Encountering an
Alien Culture", in _Computing and Change on Campus_. Cambridge
University Press, UK. 1987, pages 173-194.
Stewart, Elizabeth, Nancy Hutchinson, Peter Hemmingway, and Fred
Bessai. "The Effects of Student Gender, Race, and Achievement on
Career Exploration Advice Given by Canadian Preservice Teachers",
_Sex Roles: A Journal of Research_, 21 (1989) 247-262.
Sumrall, Amber Coverdale and Dena Taylor, eds. _Sexual Harassment:
Women Speak Out_. The Crossing Press, Freedom, CA 95019, 1992. ISBN
0-89594-544-4. ($10.95)
Highly recommended. This book consists of short (2-4 pages) essays
by women about their experiences with Sexual Harassment, everything
from taunts and whistles to rape and other physical abuse. Stories
are interspersed with comics drawn by women and some poetry. Many
of the stories describe the early conditioning that women receive
that makes us put up with so much. The book is dedicated to Anita
Top, Titia J., "Sex Bias in the Evaluation of Performance in the
Scientific, Artistic, and Literary Professions: A Review.", Sex Roles: A
Journal of Research, 24 (1991) 73-106.
Weinraub, Marsha and Lynda M. Brown, "The Development of Sex-
Role Stereotypes in Children: Crushing Realities", Franks and
Rothblum, editors, _The Stereotyping of Women: Its Effects on Mental
Health_, Springer Publishing Company, New York. 1983, pages 30-58.
Weitzman, Lenore. _The Marriage Contract_.
"...child care decisions. Twentieth century case law has
established the presumption that prefers mothers as the custodians
of their children after divorce, particularly if the children are
of "tender years." [Mnookin, "Custody Adjudication," p. 235.]
statues have put the wife on an equal footing with the husband,
and have instructed the courts to award custody in the best
interest of the child, judges typically have held that *it is
in the child's best interest not to be separated from the mother*
--unless she has been shown to be unfit. [Ibid.]
"The child's best interest" has thus evolved into a judicially
constructed presumption that the love and nurturance of a fit
mother is always in the child's (and society's) best interest.
The result has been a consistent pattern of decisions that both
justify and further reinforce the maternal presumption....
"Over the past fifty years the assumption that the mother is the
natural and proper custodian of the children has been so widely
accepted that it has rarely been questioned, and even more rarely
challenged. As Alan Roth asserts, many of the rationales offered
by the courts for the maternal preference have the ring of
divine-right doctrine [Alan Roth, "The Tender Years Presumption in
Child Custody Disputes," _Journal_of_Family_Law_ 15, no. 3 (1972)]"
"More recently the social science adduced to support the maternal
presumption has been challenged, but the presumption itself has
been considered wise because it avoids "the social costs" of
contested cases. [See, for example, R. Levy and P. Ellsworth
"Legislative Reform of Child Custody Adjudication,"
_Law_and_Society_Review_, Nov. 1969, p. 4]
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