This article is from the Feminism
References FAQ, by Cindy Tittle Moore with numerous
contributions by others.
Lesbian Feminism:
Darty, Trudy and Sandee Potter, eds.
_Women-Identified Women_.
Mayfield Pub. Co., Palo Alto, CA. 1984.
Faderman, Lillian. _Surpassing the Love of Men: Romantic Friendship
and Love between Women from the Renaissance to the Present_ New York:
Quill (A division of William Morrow & Co.), 1981.
Faderman, Lillian. _Odd Girls and Twilight Lovers: A History
of Lesbian Life in Twentieth Century America_.
Pharr, Suzanne. _Homophobia: A Weapon Of Sexism_. Chardon Press,
Inverness, CA. 1988.
If there is anyone out there who *doesn't* understand the
connection between homophobia and sexism, I urge that person
to read this fairly short book.
Phelan, Shane. _Identity Politics: Lesbian Feminism and the Limits of
Community_. Series Title: Women in the Political Economy. Temple
University Press, Philadelphia. 1989.
Rich, Adrienne. _On Compulsory Heterosexuality and Lesbian
Existence_. Onlywomen Press, London, 1981; Antelope Publications,
Denver Co., 1982.
First appeared in _Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society_,
Vol. 5, no. 5, 1980.
Douglas, Carol Anne. _Love and Politics: Radical Feminist and Lesbian
Theories_. Ism Press, San Francisco, 1990.
Mayfield Pub. Co., Palo Alto, CA. 1984.
Faderman, Lillian. _Surpassing the Love of Men: Romantic Friendship
and Love between Women from the Renaissance to the Present_ New York:
Quill (A division of William Morrow & Co.), 1981.
Faderman, Lillian. _Odd Girls and Twilight Lovers: A History
of Lesbian Life in Twentieth Century America_.
Pharr, Suzanne. _Homophobia: A Weapon Of Sexism_. Chardon Press,
Inverness, CA. 1988.
If there is anyone out there who *doesn't* understand the
connection between homophobia and sexism, I urge that person
to read this fairly short book.
Phelan, Shane. _Identity Politics: Lesbian Feminism and the Limits of
Community_. Series Title: Women in the Political Economy. Temple
University Press, Philadelphia. 1989.
Rich, Adrienne. _On Compulsory Heterosexuality and Lesbian
Existence_. Onlywomen Press, London, 1981; Antelope Publications,
Denver Co., 1982.
First appeared in _Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society_,
Vol. 5, no. 5, 1980.
Douglas, Carol Anne. _Love and Politics: Radical Feminist and Lesbian
Theories_. Ism Press, San Francisco, 1990.
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