12 novembre 2009



This article is from the Feminism References FAQ, by Cindy Tittle Moore tittle@netcom.com with numerous contributions by others.


Bateson, Mary Catherine. _Composing a Life_. Penguin Books.
ISBN 0-452-26505-3 (paperback, $9.95).
Bateson profiles five women in a wide variety of fields in an
examination of how their careers happened to develop the way they

Bennett, Betty T, )Mary Diana Dods, A Gentleman and a Scholar_.
William Morrow and Company, New York. 1991. ISBN 0-688-08717-5

Komisar, Lucy. _Corazon Aquino: The Story of a Revolution_. G.
Braziller, New York. 1987.

Marlow, Joan. _The Great Women_. A&W Publishers, New York. 1979.
ISBN: 0-89479-056-0.
A compilation of 60 women of diverse ages and nations.

Moers, Ellen, ed. _Literary Women_. Reprint. The Great Writers series.
Oxford University Press, New York, 1985.
Copywrite 1977. Describes women authors.

Morgan, Robin. _Going Too Far: The Personal Chronicle of a Feminist_.
Random House, New York. 1977.

Perl, Teri. _Math Equals: Biographies of Women Mathematicians and
Related Activities_. Addison-Wesley. 1978.

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