14 novembre 2009

What are some addresses for anarchist World Wide Web sites?


This article is from the Anarchy FAQ, by Bryan Caplan with numerous contributions by others.

What are some addresses for anarchist World Wide Web sites?

To begin with, there is my homepage at:
+BryanCaplanArchives: http://www.gmu.edu/departments/economics/bcaplan

I keep the list of addresses short because the sites provided allow easy access to a large number of related sites.

Some starting points for discussion of left-anarchism are:

+ Anarchist Archives http://www.miyazaki-mic.ac.jp/ faculty/dward/Anarchist_Archives/archivehome.html The best page of its type, in my view.

+ Prominent Anarchists and Left-Libertarians http://www.tigerden.com/~berios/libertarians.html

+ The Portland Anarchist Web Page http://www.ee.pdx.edu/~jason/

+ An Anarchy Page http://www.duke.edu/~eagle/anarchy/

+ Anarchist Yearbook -- Phoenix Press http://web.cs.city.ac.uk/homes/louise/yearbk.html

+ Spunk Press Catalog http://www.cwi.nl/cwi/people/Jack.Jansen/spunk/cat-us/Toplevel.html

+ Critiques of Libertarianism http://world.std.com/~mhuben/libindex.html

+ Burn http://burn.ucsd.edu/Welcome.html

+ All About Anarchism http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/2419/index.html

Some starting points for discussion of anarcho-capitalism are:

+ Free-market.com http://www.free-market.com

+ James Donald's Liberty Page http://www.jim.com/jamesd/world.html

+ Institute for Humane Studies http://mason.gmu.edu/~ihs

+ Niels Buhl Homepage http://www.math.ku.dk/~buhl

+ Libertarian Web Page http://lw3.ag.uiuc.edu/liberty/libweb.html

+ International Society for Individual Liberty http://www.creative.net/~star/

+ Libertarian Alliance http://www.digiweb.com/igeldard/LA/

+ David Friedman Homepage http://www.best.com/~ddfr

There are several other anarchism FAQs available on the web. None of them are to my complete satisfaction; among other failings, they normally either ignore anarcho-capitalism entirely, or attack a straw man version thereof, and thus do little to clarify the most heated of the net-related debates. On the positive side, these other FAQs often have much more historical information than mine does. See for yourself.

+ http://www.ibw.com.ni/~dlabs/anarquismo/every.html

+ http://tigerden.com/~berios/libsoc.html

+ http://www.art.net/Poets/Jennifer/anarchy/archyfaq2.html

+ http://www.vnet.net/users/goodag/birdo/ana.html

+ http://www.wam.umd.edu/~ctmunson/TEXT/sp000284.html

There does exist a FAQ written by Roger McCain on libertarian socialism and left-anarchism of markedly higher quality than the preceding five. It is archived at:

+ http://william-king.www.drexel.edu/top/personal/LSfaq/faq_ToC.html

A new, highly detailed FAQ from a left-anarchist perspective has recently been set up, ostensibly in celebration of the 60th anniversary of the Spanish Revolution. It is available at:

+ http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/1931
My FAQ is beginning to amass its share of critics who prefer to write full-length replies. Those that I am aware of are:

+ Rebuttal to the Anarchism FAQ of Bryan Caplan by Lamont Granquist.

+ Replies to Some Errors and Distortions in Bryan Caplan's Anarchist Theory FAQ version 4.1.1

My only comment is that it is simply untrue that I have ignored criticisms of my FAQ. There are numerous points I have altered or expanded it due to criticism I have received; and when I disagree with a critic's claim, I frequently ask permission to quote their reservations verbatim in the next revision. It is however true that I only respond to private e-mail criticisms; attacks simply posted to Usenet are unlikely to come to my attention.

To my knowledge there is no page which contains a broad survey along the lines of this FAQ. However, these sources in combination should give a good picture of the wide range of anarchist opinion, along with more information on history and current events which I chose not to discuss in detail herein. Examination of these sites can also give a reasonable picture of how left-anarchism and anarcho- capitalism intellectually relate to the broader progressive and libertarian movements, respectively.

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