24 novembre 2009

What is a Libertarian?


This article is from the Libertarian FAQ, by Joe Dehn jwd3@dehnbase.fidonet.org, Robert Bickford rab.AT.daft.com, Mike Huben mhuben@world.std.com and Advocates for Self-Government http://www.self-gov.org/ with numerous contributions by others.

01 What is a Libertarian?

To put it simply, Libertarians believe that you have the right to live
your life as you wish, without the government interfering -- as long
as you don't violate the rights of others. Politically, this means
Libertarians favor rolling back the size and cost of government, and
eliminating laws that stifle the economy and control people's personal

Libertarian Party: Are Libertarians liberal or conservative?


This article is from the Libertarian FAQ, by Joe Dehn jwd3@dehnbase.fidonet.org, Robert Bickford rab.AT.daft.com, Mike Huben mhuben@world.std.com and Advocates for Self-Government http://www.self-gov.org/ with numerous contributions by others.

02 Libertarian Party: Are Libertarians liberal or conservative?

Libertarians are neither. Unlike liberals or conservatives,
Libertarians advocate a high degree of both personal and economic
liberty. In a sense, Libertarians "borrow" from both sides to come
up with a logical and consistent whole -- but without the
exceptions and broken promises of Republican and Democratic

For example, Libertarians agree with conservatives about freedom in
economic matters; in favor of lowering taxes, slashing bureaucratic
regulation of business, and charitable -- rather than government --
welfare. But Liberitarians also agree with liberals on personal
tolerance; in favor of people's right to choose their own personal
habits and lifestyles.

How big is the Libertarian Party?


This article is from the Libertarian FAQ, by Joe Dehn jwd3@dehnbase.fidonet.org, Robert Bickford rab.AT.daft.com, Mike Huben mhuben@world.std.com and Advocates for Self-Government http://www.self-gov.org/ with numerous contributions by others.

03 How big is the Libertarian Party?

By almost every measure, the Libertarian Party is the third largest
political party in America. We're active in all 50 states, and there
are hundreds of vigorous state, county, and local Libertarian
organizations. Despite unfair and restrictive ballot access laws
passed by the Republicans and Democrats in many states, there are
already more than 224,000 registered Libertarians in 26 states
around the country -- a number which has jumped by 100% in the
last eight years.

Libertarian Party: Do Libertarians win many elections?


This article is from the Libertarian FAQ, by Joe Dehn jwd3@dehnbase.fidonet.org, Robert Bickford rab.AT.daft.com, Mike Huben mhuben@world.std.com and Advocates for Self-Government http://www.self-gov.org/ with numerous contributions by others.

04 Libertarian Party: Do Libertarians win many elections?

More and more all the time. Right now, there are over 300 Libertarians
serving in elected public office (plus hundreds more in appointed
positions). We've elected Libertarian State Representatives in New
Hampshire, Vermont, and Alaska, mayors in 11 states, and more than
60 city and town council members in 22 states. Other Libertarians
serve on school boards, as city commissioners, on town budget
committees, as judges of elections, and in a wide variety of other
elected offices such as city treasurer, district attorney, and sheriff.
According to Congressional Quarterly, these Libertarian officeholders
"give the party a status no third party has enjoyed in decades".

There have been Libertarian candidates for president and vice
president on the ballot in all 50 states in the last three presidential
elections -- an achievement unmatched by any other alternative party.

In 2000, more than 250 Libertarians ran for US House of Representatives,
the first time in eighty years that a majority of the seats were
contested by any party other than the Republicans or Democrats.
Libertarian candidates for US Senate received more than one million
votes, 3.3 million Americans voted for at least one Libertarian
candidate, and at least 35 Libertarians were elected to public

Libertarian Party: What is the party membership fee for?


This article is from the Libertarian FAQ, by Joe Dehn jwd3@dehnbase.fidonet.org, Robert Bickford rab.AT.daft.com, Mike Huben mhuben@world.std.com and Advocates for Self-Government http://www.self-gov.org/ with numerous contributions by others.

05 Libertarian Party: What is the party membership fee for?

Your annual membership payment -- which gets you a subscription to our
monthly newspaper LP News -- helps finance our work to spread the word
about the Libertarian Party. With your help, we can keep the media
informed; run Internet, radio, and magazine advertisements; and send
information to more Americans. We also support Libertarian candidates
in winnable races; promote pro-freedom legislation at the federal
level; provide resources to our state and local organizations;
and much more!

Libertarian Party: Why do you ask me to sign a membership statement?


This article is from the Libertarian FAQ, by Joe Dehn jwd3@dehnbase.fidonet.org, Robert Bickford rab.AT.daft.com, Mike Huben mhuben@world.std.com and Advocates for Self-Government http://www.self-gov.org/ with numerous contributions by others.

06 Libertarian Party: Why do you ask me to sign a membership statement?

Libertarians are working to reduce the role of government in society.
A government that was concerned only with protecting individual rights
would no longer be initiating force to achieve the political or
social goals of politicians and special interest groups.

That's why we ask new Libertarian Party members to sign the statement
(on the membership form) -- to remind us of the need to reduce the
power of government, and to dedicate our political efforts towards
achieving that goal.

One other question commonly asked is: Does this mean that
Libertarians don't believe in the right of self-defense? No. The
key word is that we don't advocate the _initiation_ of force. We
believe all individuals have the right to use appropriate force
to defend themselves, their families, and their country.

What kind of people join the Libertarian Party?


This article is from the Libertarian FAQ, by Joe Dehn jwd3@dehnbase.fidonet.org, Robert Bickford rab.AT.daft.com, Mike Huben mhuben@world.std.com and Advocates for Self-Government http://www.self-gov.org/ with numerous contributions by others.

07 What kind of people join the Libertarian Party?

People like you. People who used to be Republicans, Democrats, and
independents -- from all walks of life. They have joined us because
they realize that we're the only political party working for their
personal and economic liberty.

Another question we sometimes hear: Is political extremist Lyndon
LaRouche in the Libertarian Party? No. LaRouche has never been
associated in any way with us. He runs for office as a Democrat.

Why don't I hear more about the Libertarian Party?


This article is from the Libertarian FAQ, by Joe Dehn jwd3@dehnbase.fidonet.org, Robert Bickford rab.AT.daft.com, Mike Huben mhuben@world.std.com and Advocates for Self-Government http://www.self-gov.org/ with numerous contributions by others.

08 Why don't I hear more about the Libertarian Party?

The media have been slow to realize that the Republicans and
Democrats now have serious competition. But, as the party becomes
more successful, we're attracting more and more favorable attention.
For example...

Former Senator William Proxmire (D-Wisconsin) said: "The Libertarian
Party is a breath of fresh air ... They are offering a clear

The Investor's Business Daily wrote: "Long consigned to the political
wilderness... libertarians are seeing their ideas accepted by state
and local governments, once the undisputed turf of Democrats. Regional
governments increasingly are adopting free-market policies originally
developed by libertarian thinkers, making what were once considered
extreme views part of the mainstream."

Hugh Downs, formerly of ABC's 20/20 said: "All the really good ideas
belong to Libertarians."

The Hill in Washington, DC wrote: "The Libertarian Party provides
a case study in how a grassroots organization works to establish
itself as a third voice for a frustrated electorate."

The Los Angeles Times wrote: "Libertarianism has contributed much
to defining American political thought. Libertarian themes are
part of contemporary political discourse."

Are Libertarians having an impact on American politics?


This article is from the Libertarian FAQ, by Joe Dehn jwd3@dehnbase.fidonet.org, Robert Bickford rab.AT.daft.com, Mike Huben mhuben@world.std.com and Advocates for Self-Government http://www.self-gov.org/ with numerous contributions by others.

09 Are Libertarians having an impact on American politics?

Libertarians all around the nation have been actively defending
Americans' rights on a wide range of issues:

Tennessee: "If it weren't for the Libertarians, I believe we'd
have an income tax by now," said Nashville talk radio host Steve
Gill. The Tennessee Libertarian Party played a major role in a
coalition that blocked a new state income tax in 2000 and 2001.

Alabama: In 2001, a Libertarian city councilman in Adamsville
repealed a city ordinance requiring citizens to get a permit before
doing minor home improvement work.

Colorado: Libertarians rallied to defend the First Amendment rights
of shock-rocker Marilyn Manson, after politicians considered
cancelling his June 2001 concert. "Manson's lyrics are revolting,"
said Libertarian Ari Armstrong. "But using government to shut out
messages that some people find offensive is a terrible precedent."

Washington state: Libertarians helped pass I-747, a 2002 initiative
that capped property tax increases and will save $1.8 billion over
six years.

On issue after issue, in all 50 states, Libertarians are successfully
defending the Bill of Rights, free enterprise, free trade, private
charity, and individual liberty.

Should I join the Libertarian Party?


This article is from the Libertarian FAQ, by Joe Dehn jwd3@dehnbase.fidonet.org, Robert Bickford rab.AT.daft.com, Mike Huben mhuben@world.std.com and Advocates for Self-Government http://www.self-gov.org/ with numerous contributions by others.

10 Should I join the Libertarian Party?

Ask yourself: Is government too big or too small? Are taxes too high
or too low? Does the government regulate my business too much or too
little? Does the government control my personal life too much or not

If you agree, like most Americans, that government is too large, too
expensive, and meddles too much, the Libertarian Party is for you!

Major Libertarian Organizations


This article is from the Libertarian FAQ, by Joe Dehn jwd3@dehnbase.fidonet.org, Robert Bickford rab.AT.daft.com, Mike Huben mhuben@world.std.com and Advocates for Self-Government http://www.self-gov.org/ with numerous contributions by others.

11 Major Libertarian Organizations

Advocates for Self-Government
1202 N. Tennessee St., Suite 202
Cartersville, GA 30120
770-386-8372, 800-932-1776
Email: Advocates.AT.self-gov.org
Web Page: http://www.self-gov.org/
Non-profit educational organization. Organizes local chapters;
offers conferences and programs encouraging people to
encounter, evaluate and embrace the ideas of liberty and
improve communications; publishes Liberator newsletter. Be sure
to check out their wonderful Libertarian Celebrities page while
you're there!

CATO Institute
1000 Massachusetts Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20001-5403
Email: cato.AT.cato.org
Web Page: http://www.cato.org/
Public policy research foundation; publishes Cato Journal,
books, monographs and policy analysis material; conducts
seminars, conferences and symposia.

Foundation for Economic Education (FEE)
30 South Broadway
Irvington-On-Hudson, NY 10533
Email: freeman.AT.fee.org
Web Page: http://www.fee.org/
Non-political, educational champion of private property, the
free-market and limited government. Publishes The Freeman

Future of Freedom Foundation
11350 Random Hills Road, Suite 800
Fairfax, VA 22030
Email: freedom.AT.fff.org
Web Page: http://www.fff.org/freedom/fff/fff.htm
Educational foundation. Publishes Freedom Daily, containing
articles on current issues from a libertarian and classical
liberal perspective.

Institute for Humane Studies (IHS)
at George Mason University
3401 North Fairfax Dr., Suite 440
Arlington, Virginia 22201-4432
703-993-4880, 800-697-8799
Email: ihs.AT.gmu.edu
Web Page: http://www.TheIHS.org/
Educational institute. Searches for moral arguments and
scholarship which support the free society; discovers,
encourages and supports scholars in the social sciences.

International Society for Individual Liberty (ISIL)
836-B Southampton Road, #299
Benicia, CA 94510
Email: isil.AT.isil.org
Web Page: http://www.isil.org/
Promotes international exchange of information and ideas on
competitive economic systems with internal conferences;
promotes campus libertarian organizations; publishes Freedom
Network News and position papers. Their excellent Educational
Pamphlet Series has been converted into HTML and placed online
at their web page.

The Libertarian Alliance
25 Chapter Chambers
Esterbrooke Street
London SW1P 4NN
United Kingdom
+44 71-821-5502
Email: LA.AT.capital.demon.co.uk
Web Page: http://www.capital.demon.co.uk/LA/
Affiliated to the International Society for Individual Liberty:
The Libertarian International. Publishes Free Life: A Journal
of Classical Liberal and Libertarian Thought, numerous
occasional papers and conducts seminars, conferences and
symposia. Has over 600 publications in print, many in ASCII and

Libertarian Party of U.S.A.
2600 Virginia Avenue, NW, Suite 100
Washington, DC 20037
New member info only: 800-682-1776
Email: hq.AT.lp.org
Web Page: http://www.lp.org/
Runs and elects candidates for public office; publishes
Libertarian Party News; holds bi-annual conventions.

Reason Foundation & Reason Magazine
3415 S. Sepulveda Blvd., Suite 400
Los Angeles, CA 90034
Web Page (Foundation): http://www.reason.org/
Web Page (Magazine): http://www.reason.com/
Educational foundation. Educates public on principles of free
society; publishes Reason Magazine; publishes policy studies,
op-ed articles and daily economic education and radio program.
Operates and maintains privatization database and Local
Government Center.

Libertarian Organizations: Abortion


This article is from the Libertarian FAQ, by Joe Dehn jwd3@dehnbase.fidonet.org, Robert Bickford rab.AT.daft.com, Mike Huben mhuben@world.std.com and Advocates for Self-Government http://www.self-gov.org/ with numerous contributions by others.

12 Libertarian Organizations: Abortion

Note: the Libertarian Party has often used the slogan "We're
pro-choice on everything." because that is (largely) true. But just
like the rest of the population, there is a range of opinions on this
difficult subject within the movement. Most positions are well-covered
by existing (non-Libertarian) groups, but a non-religious case against
abortion is one of the few that isn't. Hence the listing below.

Libertarians for Life
13424 Hathaway Drive
Wheaton, MD 20906
Email: libertarian.AT.erols.com
Web Page: http://www.l4l.org/
Formed to argue that abortion is aggression under general
libertarian principles. Reasoning is expressly philosophical
rather than religious. Founded 1976. Regrettably, they make the
same mistake (assuming what one is trying to prove) that most
debaters on both sides of this subject make.

Libertarian Organizations: Affinity Groups


This article is from the Libertarian FAQ, by Joe Dehn jwd3@dehnbase.fidonet.org, Robert Bickford rab.AT.daft.com, Mike Huben mhuben@world.std.com and Advocates for Self-Government http://www.self-gov.org/ with numerous contributions by others.

13 Libertarian Organizations: Affinity Groups

Association of Libertarian Feminists
See entry under Feminism.

Gays and Lesbians for Individual Liberty
PO Box 65743
Washington, DC 20035-5743
Email: glil.AT.glil.org
Web Page: http://www.glil.org/
"An international organization of persons committed to the
political philosophy of individual liberty, both generally and
as it affects lesbians, gay men, and bisexual persons."
Publishes Quill: Queer Individual Liberty Letter.

Libertarian Futurist Society
89 Gebhardt Road
Penfield, NY 14526
716-248-3112 [unverified]
Email: Victoria Varga director.AT.lfs.org
Web Page: http://www.lfs.org/
Futurists and science fiction fans who share a concern for
individual freedom. Sponsors the Prometheus Award for the best
libertarian SciFi novel of the year. Publishes quarterly
libertarian science-fiction newsletter Prometheus. Founded

Libertarians for Gay and Lesbian Concerns
PO Box 447
Chelsea, MI 48118
[unable to verify 1999.09.08]
Group to create a network for gay libertarians, create
awareness of gay concerns within the libertarian movement, to
provide libertarian outreach to gays and lesbians. Publishes
LGLC Newsletter. Possible alternate address is POB 526175, Salt
Lake City, UT 84152-6175 tel. 364-7216

Libertarian Organizations: Book, Tape, and Video Stores


This article is from the Libertarian FAQ, by Joe Dehn jwd3@dehnbase.fidonet.org, Robert Bickford rab.AT.daft.com, Mike Huben mhuben@world.std.com and Advocates for Self-Government http://www.self-gov.org/ with numerous contributions by others.

14 Libertarian Organizations: Book, Tape, and Video Stores

American Liberty Publishers
Box 18296
Minneapolis, MN 55418
Email: amlibpub.AT.worldnet.att.net
Web Page: http://www.webcom.com/amlibpub/
"We publish and sell books on libertarian politics, free-market
economics, the environment, education, and free enterprise."

Audio Forum
96 Broad St., Rm. E-609
Guildord, CT 06437
Supplier of taped lectures and courses by prominent libertarian
[1999.09.10 -- I am attempting to verify that this organization
in fact has something of interest to Libertarians; all the
person on the phone knew about was "Foregin Language" tapes! So
I asked for copies of their catalogues.]

Freedom's Forum Bookstore

ICS Press
Institute for Contemporary Studies
1611 Telegraph Ave., Suite 902
Latham Square
Oakland, CA 94612
Email: mail.AT.icspress.com
Web Page: http://www.icspress.com/
"ICS believes that men and women who control their lives
through self-governing institutions live more productive
lives." Promotes the self-governing and entrepreneurial way of

Knowledge Products
PO Box 305151
Nashville, TN 37230
[unable to verify 1999.09.10]
Offers audio classics introducing historical figures such as
Tom Paine, Adam Smith, Thomas Jefferson, John Stuart Mill, John
Locke, and more.

Laissez Faire Books
938 Howard Street, Suite 202
San Francisco, CA 94103-4114
Email: custsvc.AT.laissezfaire.org
Web Page: http://www.laissezfaire.org/
Extremely wide selection of libertarian, history, philosophy,
economic and Randian books, tapes, videotapes; publishes
informative monthly book catalog with book reviews.

Liberty Tree Network
100 Swan Way
Oakland, CA 94621-1428
Web Page: http://www.liberty-tree.org/
Mail order purveyor of products for life, liberty and
prosperity; books, audio and video tapes, games, gifts and
collectibles. Free catalog available. A project of The
Independent Institute.

Loompanics Books
PO Box 1197
Port Townsend, WA 98368
Web Page: http://www.loompanics.com/
Carries unusual, controversial, and hard-to-find books. Catalog
(and books!) banned in some countries. Some content may be

Second Renaissance Books
143 West Street
New Milford, CT 06776
860-355-7164 (orders)
860-354-5448 (office)
Email: inquiries.AT.secondrenaissance.com
Web Page: http://www.secondrenaissance.com/
Biggest outlet of material written by Ayn Rand and other
Objectivists. Sees itself as appealing to "admirers of Ayn Rand
and other individuals with an interest in rational ideas".
Founded 1985.

Turney Audio and Video
PO Box 36564
Richmond, VA 23235
Email: Jim.AT.look.com
[unable to verify 1999.09.10]
World's largest collection of video and audio tapes of
libertarian/free-market conferences, conventions, speakers,
presentations, etc.

World Research Institute (& WRI Films)
PO Box 9359
San Diego, CA 92169
[unable to verify 1999.09.10]
Produces excellent liberty-based educational films on
economics, inflation, social justice, poverty, etc. No
connection with several other organizations of vaguely similar
name. Contact: Dan Loeffler

Libertarian Organizations: Children and Families


This article is from the Libertarian FAQ, by Joe Dehn jwd3@dehnbase.fidonet.org, Robert Bickford rab.AT.daft.com, Mike Huben mhuben@world.std.com and Advocates for Self-Government http://www.self-gov.org/ with numerous contributions by others.

15 Libertarian Organizations: Children and Families

California Homeschool Network
PO Box 55485
Hayward, CA 94545
Email: chnmail.AT.aol.com
Web Page: http://www.comenius.org/chn/
"CHN Exists to provide resources and information about
homeschooling; to protect fundamental right of family to
educate its children at home in manner it deems appropriate
without regulation; and to foster community among home
educators in California." Founded 1994.

Center for Market-Based Education
201 N. Central Ave.
Phoenix, AZ 85004
Email: info.AT.cmbe.org
Web Page: http://www.cmbe.org/
"...to support and defend the principle of choice in public
education." Newsletter: The Bellwether. Mostly, this group
promotes Charter Schools.

Separation of School & State Alliance
4578 N. First, #310
Fresno, CA 93726
Email: separate.AT.sepschool.org
Web Page: http://www.sepschool.org/
Wants to get the government out of the education business.
Offers a proclamation which concludes "Therefore, we must end
government compulsion in education funding, attendance, and
content. Separation of school and state is essential to restore
parental responsibility and create an environment of
educational freedom in which students and teachers can
flourish." Founder: Marshall Fritz.

Libertarian Familist
PO Box 4826
El Paso, TX 79914-4826
[unable to verify 1999.09.10]
Family oriented childrens' rights advocates. Publishes
Libertarian Familist.

Libertarian Organizations: College Organizations


This article is from the Libertarian FAQ, by Joe Dehn jwd3@dehnbase.fidonet.org, Robert Bickford rab.AT.daft.com, Mike Huben mhuben@world.std.com and Advocates for Self-Government http://www.self-gov.org/ with numerous contributions by others.

16 Libertarian Organizations: College Organizations

I've given up on trying to maintain this section -- I just don't have
time to keep tracking things down. See the Web pages listed at
http://www.mit.edu:8001/activities/libertarians/lscwn.html for a
partial listing.

Libertarian Organizations: Communities


This article is from the Libertarian FAQ, by Joe Dehn jwd3@dehnbase.fidonet.org, Robert Bickford rab.AT.daft.com, Mike Huben mhuben@world.std.com and Advocates for Self-Government http://www.self-gov.org/ with numerous contributions by others.

17 Libertarian Organizations: Communities

Abapa Freer
PO Box 759
Veneta, OR 97487
[unable to verify 1999.09.13]
Sampler of areas having attraction for libertarians. ($1 cash
preferred.) From mentions elsewhere on (old) web pages, this
appears to be some sort of anarchist publication.

Freedom Now
Mary Margaret Glennie
1317 Lakewood Dr.
Fort Collins, CO 80521
[unable to verify 1999.09.13]
Attracting libertarians to Ft. Collins, CO. Send $1 and SASE
for more info. This item is from 1995 and probably long

Port Watson Project
Port Watson Foundation
2405 Lancashire 2A
Ann Arbor, MI 48105
Email: Kevin Bloom 23utopia.AT.CRIS.COM
Creating an intentional (libertarian) resort community,
originally to be on a small, privately owned island in the
Bahamas.... economy will be based on tourism, hydroponic
agriculture and information-age technologies (telecommuting).
Once had a web page at portwatson.org but it's gone...

Libertarian Organizations: Drug Policy


This article is from the Libertarian FAQ, by Joe Dehn jwd3@dehnbase.fidonet.org, Robert Bickford rab.AT.daft.com, Mike Huben mhuben@world.std.com and Advocates for Self-Government http://www.self-gov.org/ with numerous contributions by others.

18 Libertarian Organizations: Drug Policy

Note: an extensive list of Drug Policy organizations can be found on
the web at http://freedomnet.org/drugs.html

American Anti-Prohibition League
3125 SE Belmont St.
Portland, Oregon 97214
Email: Floyd Landrath aal01.AT.teleport.com
(No more information at present time.)

Americans for Medical Rights
626 Santa Monica Blvd. #41
Santa Monica, CA 90401
Email: Bill Zimmerman 76322.1165.AT.compuserve.com
The organization that led the drive for Proposition 215
(medical marijuana) in California in 1996. Now working on other

Common Sense for Drug Policy Foundation
3220 N Street, NW, #141
Washington, DC 20007
Email: Kevin Zeese info.AT.csdp.org
Web Page: http://www.csdp.org/
Fights mandatory minimum sentencing and other insanities of the
War on Drugs; provides legal assistance, public education,
expertise and consultation to public figures, etc.
"...dedicated to expanding discussion on drug policy..."

Drug Reform Coordination Network
2000 P Street NW #615
Washington, DC 20036
Email: drcnet.AT.drcnet.org
Web Page: http://www.drcnet.org/
"...working for drug policy reform from a variety of
perspectives, including harm reduction, reform of sentencing
and forfeiture laws, medicalization of currently schedule I
drugs, and promotion of an open debate on drug prohibition."
Founded 1993.

Drug Policy Foundation
4455 Connecticut Ave. NW, Suite B-500
Washington, DC 20008-2328
Email: dpf.AT.dpf.org
Web Page: http://www.dpf.org/
Advocates legalization of drugs and humane treatment of
addicts. Runs conferences, sells books and videos. Publishes
newsletter: Drug Policy Newsletter.

Families Against Mandatory Minimums (FAMM)
1612 K Street NW, Suite 1400
Washington, DC 20006
Email: famm.AT.famm.org
Web Page: http://www.famm.org/
"....working to repeal federal and state mandatory sentencing
laws that remove judicial discretion. To ensure equity and
fairness at all stages of the sentencing process, FAMM also
works to improve sentencing guidelines." Founded 1991.

The Freedom Organisation for the Right to Enjoy Smoking Tobacco
2 Grosvenor Gardens
London SW1W 0DH
United Kingdom
+44 71 823 6550
[unable to verify 1999.09.14]
(No more information at present time.)

Legalise Cannabis Campaign
BM Cannabis 2455
London, WC1N 3XX
+742 425122 or +71 585 1031
[unable to verify 1999.09.14]
They publish a magazine The Hookah and have information on
Cannabis & the Law/Health/Economics/etc.

Marijuana Policy Project
P.O. Box 77492
Capitol Hill
Washington, D.C. 20013
Email: mpp.AT.mpp.org
Web Page: http://www.mpp.org/
A lobbying organization committed to federal marijuana law
reform. Founded 1995.

National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML)
The NORML Foundation
1001 Connecticut Ave. NW, Suite 710
Washington, DC 20036
202-483-5500 (??)
Email: norml.AT.aol.com
Web Page: http://www.norml.org/
Advocates legalization of marijuana. Newsletter: The Leaflet
Founded 1970.

National Drug Strategy Network
1225 I Street NW, Suite 500
Washington, DC 20009
202-835-9075 (??)
Email: ndsn.AT.ndsn.org
Web Page: http://www.ndsn.org/
Devoted to circulating information about the debate over
illicit drugs. Newsletter: Newsbriefs

Religious Coalition for a Moral Drug Policy
3421 M St. NW, Suite 351
Washington, DC 20007
Argues for an end to the Drug War on religious and moral
grounds. Founded 1990.

Washington Hemp Education Network
PO Box 1217
Olympia, WA 98507
Email: Bob Owen when.AT.olywa.net
Web Page: http://www.olywa.net/when/
"W.H.E.N. is a community of volunteer hemp activists providing
verfiable information on cannabis. We counteract
disinformation, and work to change cannabis laws that harm all
Americans and their environment. We want to create informed
citizenry, reclassify medicinal marijuana, promote industrial
hemp, and end cannabis prohibition."

Libertarian Organizations: Employment


This article is from the Libertarian FAQ, by Joe Dehn jwd3@dehnbase.fidonet.org, Robert Bickford rab.AT.daft.com, Mike Huben mhuben@world.std.com and Advocates for Self-Government http://www.self-gov.org/ with numerous contributions by others.

19 Libertarian Organizations: Employment

Employment Policies Institute
Suite 1200
1775 Pennsylvania Ave, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20006-4605
Email: epi.AT.epionline.org
Web Page: http://www.epionline.org/
Research organization dedicated to expanding employment
opportunities at all levels of America's economy. "...focuses
on issues that affect entry level employment..." "...sponsors
nonpartisan research which is conducted by independent
economists at major universities around the country."

Libertarian Organizations: Environment


This article is from the Libertarian FAQ, by Joe Dehn jwd3@dehnbase.fidonet.org, Robert Bickford rab.AT.daft.com, Mike Huben mhuben@world.std.com and Advocates for Self-Government http://www.self-gov.org/ with numerous contributions by others.

20 Libertarian Organizations: Environment

Foundation for Research on Economics and the Environment
945 Technology Blvd., Suite 101F
Bozeman, MT 59718
Email: free.AT.mcn.net
Web Page: http://www.free-eco.org/
Promotes public policy reform supporting conservation & wise
use of natural resources based on property rights, reliance on
market processes.

Political Economy Research Center
502 South 19th Avenue
Bozeman, MT 59718
Email: perc.AT.perc.org
Web Page: http://www.perc.org/
"A market-oriented think tank focusing on environmental and
natural resource issues. Our research and policy analysis
covers endangered species, forestry, fisheries, parks, public
lands, property rights, Superfund, water, and environmental
education." Specializes in natural resource economics,
hazardous waste policy, Native American issues; publishes PERC
Reports, also books & op-ed pieces.

National Wilderness Institute
PO Box 25766
Washington, DC 20007
Email: nwi.AT.nwi.org
Web Page: http://www.nwi.org/
"The voice of reason on the environment" ... "We believe that
an informed public can make the best decisions regarding
environmental policies...."

The Nature Conservancy
4245 North Fairfax Drive, Suite 100
Arlington Virginia 22203-1606
Web Page: http://www.tnc.org/
Works to preserve and protect the environment by "preserving
habitats and species by buying the lands and waters they need
to survive." . . "The Nature Conservancy operates the largest
private system of nature sanctuaries in the world -- more than
1,500 preserves in the United States alone." Above address is
their "international headquarters", but they have offices in 49
states and overseas.

Libertarian Organizations: Feminism


This article is from the Libertarian FAQ, by Joe Dehn jwd3@dehnbase.fidonet.org, Robert Bickford rab.AT.daft.com, Mike Huben mhuben@world.std.com and Advocates for Self-Government http://www.self-gov.org/ with numerous contributions by others.

21 Libertarian Organizations: Feminism

Association of Libertarian Feminists
PO Box 20252
London Terrace
New York, NY 10011
212-924-4345 (??)
Web Page: http://www.alf.org/
Seeks to provide a libertarian alternative to those aspects of
the wonen's movement that discourage independence and
individuality. Publishes ALF News and discussion papers.

Feminists Against Censorship
BM Box 207
London WC1N 3XX
+44 81 552 4405
[unable to verify 1999.09.23]
Founded in 1989 by women to campaign against censorship from a
feminist perspective.

Feminists for Free Expression
2525 Times Square Station
New York, NY 10108-2525
Email: freedom.AT.well.com
Web Page: http://www.well.com/user/freedom/
Works to opposes censorship and banning of books etc.,
especially by pointing out how such efforts divert attention
from the substantive causes of social ills and offer a
cosmetic, dangerous "quick fix." "To suppress free speech in
the name of protecting women is dangerous and wrong." Founded

The Women's Freedom Network
4410 Massachusetts Ave NW, Suite 179
Washington, D.C. 20016
Web Page: http://www.womensfreedom.org/
"The Women's Freedom Network was founded in early 1993 by a
group of women who were seeking alternatives to extremist
ideological feminism and the anti-feminist traditionalism. It
believes in the full participation of women in every area of
American life. It celebrates the achievements women have
already made, and it views women's issues in light of a
philosophy that defines women and men as individuals and not in
terms of gender. It does not set different standards of
excellence, morality, or justice for men and women."

21 novembre 2009

Libertarian Organizations: Free Market


This article is from the Libertarian FAQ, by Joe Dehn jwd3@dehnbase.fidonet.org, Robert Bickford rab.AT.daft.com, Mike Huben mhuben@world.std.com and Advocates for Self-Government http://www.self-gov.org/ with numerous contributions by others.

22 Libertarian Organizations: Free Market

Adam Smith Institute (USA)
305 9th St., SE
Washington, DC 20003
Educational and research institute based in England. Publishes
studies on privatization and deregulation, and suggests free
market policy applications.

American Institute for Economic Research (AIER)
PO Box 1000
Great Barrington, MA 01230
Email: aierpubs@aier.org
Web Page: http://www.aier.org/
Introductory economics, useful cost-of-living calculator on
website, various books and publications available. Founded

Atlas Foundation
4084 University Drive, Suite 103
Fairfax, VA 22030
Expounds principle that economic actions have economic
consequences; helps set up new free-market think tanks;
publishes Highlights and Atlas Report.

Cascade Policy Institute
813 S.W. Alder, Suite 707
Portland, OR 97205
Email: info.AT.CascadePolicy.org
Web Page: http://www.cascadepolicy.org/
"Oregon's free market think tank". Promotes both individual
freedom and economic liberty in Oregon through publications,
commentaries, speakers, and events.

Center for the Study of Market Alternatives
2399 S. Orchard
Boise, ID
Conducts free-market seminars for teachers and the general
public, and debate seminars for high schools. Publishes CSMA

Center for Market Processes
George Mason University
4084 University Drive, Suite 208
Fairfax, VA 22030
Group of academics and graduate students who apply market
process analysis to problems and organizations.

Citizens for a Sound Economy
1250 H Street, NW, #700
Washington, DC 20005-3908
Email: cse.AT.cse.org
Web Page: http://www.cse.org/cse/
Free market public interest advocacy organization; lobbies for
free-market legislation (e.g. Individual Retirement Accounts,
free trade, privatization & deregulation). Also offers
information through The CSE Foundation.

Competitive Enterprise Institute
1001 Connecticut Ave. NW, Suite 1250
Washington, DC 20036
Explores free-market solutions to environmental problems,
antitrust reform & trade; sponsors Jefferson Group pro-market
information exchange forum.

Fraser Institute
626 Bute Street
Vancouver, BC Canada V6E 3M1
Web Page: http://www.fraserinstitute.ca
Public policy research with free-market orientation; publishes
books & studies on economic effects of government policy.

Free Market Foundation: Russia
PO Box 27251
Tucson, AZ 85726-7251
Public policy foundation; publishes newspapers in Moscow.

Free Market Foundation of Southern Africa
PO Box 52713
Saxonwood, South Africa 2173
Promotes privatization, deregulation & the free-market;
publishes books & studies; sponsors conferences.

Heartland Institute
634 S. Wabash Ave., 2nd Floor
Chicago, IL 60605
Web Page: http://www.heartland.org/
Provides privatization and deregulation studies and conferences
aimed at Midwest news editors, news directors and legislative

The Independent Institute
100 Swan Way
Oakland, CA 94621-1428
800-927-8733 (U.S. only); 510-568-6047 (outside U.S.)
Email: David J. Theroux, President DTheroux.AT.independent.org
Web Page: http://www.independent.org/
Public Policy institute. Sponsors non-political studies into
critical public issues; publishes books and a book catalog;
publishes The Independent Review; conducts conferences.

John Locke Institute
4084 University Drive, Suite 102
Fairfax, VA 22030
(No more information at present time.)

Knowledge Network Foundation
14307 23rd Ave. SW
Seattle, WA 98166
Not-for-profit educational foundation whose goal is to
disseminate market-oriented research.

Ludwig von Mises Institute
518 W. Magnolia Avenue
Auburn, AL 36832-4528
Email: mail.AT.mises.org
Web Page: http://www.mises.org/
Promotes Mises' principles with seminars, books; publishes The
Free Market, The Mises Review (book reviews), The Review of
Austrian Economics (a scholarly journal) and Austrian Economics
Newsletter. Occasionally strays in a paleo-conservative
direction, and its officers have been known to make very
anti-libertarian pronouncements on unrelated subjects, but is
still very good for all that.

Manhattan Institute
52 Vanderbelt Ave.
New York, NY 10017
Promotes the free market with books, symposia & Manhattan
Report for scholars, officials & the public.

Pacific Research Institute
177 Post St.
San Francisco, CA 94108
Publishes studies & books on market solutions to social,
economic, environmental issues.

Young America's Foundation
110 Elden St.
Herndon, VA 22070
Voice for liberty and free markets on college campuses.
Sponsors free-market speakers for college students.

Libertarian Organizations: Free Speech


This article is from the Libertarian FAQ, by Joe Dehn jwd3@dehnbase.fidonet.org, Robert Bickford rab.AT.daft.com, Mike Huben mhuben@world.std.com and Advocates for Self-Government http://www.self-gov.org/ with numerous contributions by others.

23 Libertarian Organizations: Free Speech

American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)
125 Broad Street, 18th Floor
New York, NY 10004-2400
212-944-9800 (??)
Web Page: http://www.aclu.org/
Defends free speech, fights the draft, and supports civil
liberties. Claims to support the Bill of Rights, but ranges
from indifferent to hostile on the subject of Second Amendment
rights. Very strong in fighting censorship and other repression
of free speech. Founded 1920.

The Center for Democracy and Technology
1634 Eye Street NW, Suite 1100
Washington, DC 20006
Email: info.AT.cdt.org
Web Page: http://www.cdt.org/
"The center's mission is to develop and advocate public
policies that advance constitutional civil liberties and
democratic values in new computer and communications
technologies." Publishes CDT Policy Post electronically.
Founded 1995.

Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF)
1550 Bryant Street, Suite 725
San Francisco CA 94103-4832
Email: ask.AT.eff.org
Web Page: http://www.eff.org/
Public policy/civil liberties organization that works to
empower individuals in the new information society, and to
ensure that traditional Constitutional rights continue to exist
in "cyberspace". Thus, it promotes policies that support such
things as freedom of speech, privacy, encryption, and access to
the information infrastructure. Founded 1990.

Feminists Against Censorship
See entry under Feminism.

Free Press Association
P.O. Box 63
Port Hadlock, WA 98339
614-291-1441 old?
Professional organization to encourage excellence in
libertarian journalism and develop an international
communications network among libertarian professionals. Gives
out Mencken Awards for civil libertarian journalism and

Individual Rights Project
Center for the Study of Popular Culture
12400 Ventura Blvd.
Studio City, CA 91604
(No more information at present time.)

Libertarian Organizations: Gun Policy


This article is from the Libertarian FAQ, by Joe Dehn jwd3@dehnbase.fidonet.org, Robert Bickford rab.AT.daft.com, Mike Huben mhuben@world.std.com and Advocates for Self-Government http://www.self-gov.org/ with numerous contributions by others.

24 Libertarian Organizations: Gun Policy

Gun Owners of America
8001 Forbes Pl., Suite 102
Springfield, VA 22151
Email: goamail.AT.gunowners.org
Web Page: http://www.gunowners.org/
Supports legislation that respects the right to self-defense
and responsible gun ownership; opposes legislation that does
not. Publishes The Gun Owners newsletter. Assembles fact sheets
and other materials for effective activism at both state and
federal levels.

Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership
PO Box 270143
Hartford, WI 53027
Email: jpfo.AT.jpfo.org
Web Page: http://www.jpfo.org/
"America's Most Aggressive Defender of Firearms Ownership."
Membership open to all law-abiding firearms-owners.

Libertarian Second Amendment Caucus
(No more information at present time.)

National Rifle Association of America
1600 Rhode Island Ave. NW (??)
Washington, DC 20036 (??)
202-828-6000 (??)
Web Page: http://www.nra.org/
Lobbies for and against bills in Congress and in states, etc.
Offers training in responsible and safe gun ownership.

Second Amendment Foundation
James Madison Building
12500 NE Tenth Place
Bellevue, WA 98005
Email: info.AT.saf.org
Web Page: http://www.saf.org/
Literary research and publishing organization. Publishes Gun
Week, Women & Guns, Gun News Digest, and other materials.
"...dedicated to promoting a better understanding about our
Constitutional heritage to privately own and possess firearms."

25 Libertarian Organizations: Health Policy


This article is from the Libertarian FAQ, by Joe Dehn jwd3@dehnbase.fidonet.org, Robert Bickford rab.AT.daft.com, Mike Huben mhuben@world.std.com and Advocates for Self-Government http://www.self-gov.org/ with numerous contributions by others.

25 Libertarian Organizations: Health Policy

National Health Federation
PO Box 688
Monrovia, CA 91017
(No more information at present time).

26 Libertarian Organizations: Legal


This article is from the Libertarian FAQ, by Joe Dehn jwd3@dehnbase.fidonet.org, Robert Bickford rab.AT.daft.com, Mike Huben mhuben@world.std.com and Advocates for Self-Government http://www.self-gov.org/ with numerous contributions by others.

26 Libertarian Organizations: Legal

Federalist Society for Law & Public Policy Studies
1015 18th Street, NW, Suite 425
Washington, DC 20036
Web Page: http://www.fed-soc.org/index.htm
Promotes the principles of limited government and a limited
judiciary within the legal community. Describes itself as "a
group of conservatives and libertarians" so be forwarned.

Forfeiture Endangers American Rights
PO Box 33985
Washington, DC 20033-3985
888-FEAR-001 (888-332-7001)
Email: tomgordon.AT.fear.org
Web Page: http://www.fear.org/
Fights against asset forfeiture; educates public on abuses of
civil asset forfeiture laws in various cases (drug and others).
Fights "to restore due process and protect the property rights
of innocent people". Note that only 8 of the 200 federal
offenses for which forfeiture applies are drug offenses!

Fully Informed Jury Association
PO Box 59
Helmville, MT 59843
Web Page: http://www.fija.org/
"FIJA is a non-profit educational association whose mission is
to inform all Americans about their rights, powers and
responsibilties when serving as trial jurors. FIJA also seeks
to restore the political function of the jury as the final
check and balance on the American system of government. It is
supported by tax-deductible contributions and foundation
grants." Newsletter: FIJA Activist

Help Abolish Legal Tyranny (HALT)
1612 K Street, NW, Suite 510
Washington, DC 20006
Email: halt.AT.halt.org
Web Page: http://www.halt.org/
"...dedicated to the principle that all Americans should be
able to handle their legal affairs simply, affordably and
equitably." Works to prevent and redress legal abuses by
lawyers. Founded 1976.

Institute for Justice
1717 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, Suite 200
Washington, DC 20006
Web Page: http://www.ij.org/
Advocates economic liberty, educational choice, and private
property rights as three of the most powerful forces for
positive change in the inner city. "Founded in 1991, the
Institute for Justice is what a civil liberties law firm should
be. As our nation's only libertarian public interest law firm,
we pursue cutting-edge litigation in the courts of law and in
the court of public opinion on behalf of individuals whose most
basic rights are denied by the State -- rights like economic
liberty, private property rights, and the right to free speech,
not only on paper but also on the Internet."

Libertarian Law Council
c/o Manuel S. Klausner, Chairman
One Bunker Hill Building, Suite 800
601 West Fifth Street
Los Angeles, CA 90071
Email: MKlaus.AT.aol.com
[unable to verify 1999.09.08]
(No more information at present time.)

Pacific Legal Foundation
10360 Old Placerville Road, Suite 100
Sacramento, CA 95827
E-mail plf@pacificlegal.org
Web Page: http://www.pacificlegal.org/
"Pacific Legal Foundation was established to provide an
effective voice in the courts for mainstream thinking -- a
voice that speaks for less government and the preservation of
free enterprise, private property rights and individual
liberties." Founded 1973.

Libertarian Organizations: Miscellaneous


This article is from the Libertarian FAQ, by Joe Dehn jwd3@dehnbase.fidonet.org, Robert Bickford rab.AT.daft.com, Mike Huben mhuben@world.std.com and Advocates for Self-Government http://www.self-gov.org/ with numerous contributions by others.

27 Libertarian Organizations: Miscellaneous

Acton Institute for the Study of Religion and Liberty
161 Ottawa NW, Suite 301
Grand Rapids, MI 49503
Email: info.AT.acton.org
Web Page: http://www.acton.org/
Promotes a contemporary understanding of the Classical Liberal
philosophy of liberty and free markets; targets clergy and
seminarians. Holds conferences, publishes a newsletter, does
op-ed pieces. "The mission of the Institute is to promote a
free society characterized by individual liberty and sustained
by religious principles."

American Justice Federation
3850 S. Emerson Ave., Suite E.
Indianapolis, IN 46203
Produced Waco, The Big Lie video.

American Motorcyclists Association
PO Box 61114
Westerville, OH 43081
(No more information at present time.)

Candlestick Publishing
P.O. Box 39241
San Antonio, TX 78218-1241
Email: David Alter davydoodle_.AT.hotmail.com
Web Page: http://business.fortunecity.com/simplot/708/
"Books on Faith and Freedom: A catalog containing often
otherwise unavailable books and materials on the subject of
freedom." Basically, these are Christian Libertarians.

The Centre for Independent Studies
PO Box 92
St Leonards, NSW 1590
Email: cis.AT.cir.org.au
Web Page: http://www.cis.org.au/
"The leading independent public policy research institute in
Australia and New Zealand." Promotes free markets, individual
liberty, "democratic government under the rule of law", and a
"free civil society". Founded 1976.

Center for the Study of Public Choice
George Mason University
4400 University Dr.
Fairfax, VA 22030
(No more information at present time.)

Center for Libertarian Studies (CLS)
PO Box 4091
Burlingame, CA 94011
Holds conferences, seminars & symposia for "scholarly business
people." Publishes In Pursuit of Liberty Newsletter and Journal
of Libertarian Studies

Charles G. Koch Charitable Foundation
1401 I Street, NW, Suite 300
Washington, DC 20005
Private charity that seeks to advance the understanding and
appreciation of the value of a free society in advancing the
well-being of mankind. Offers grants and programs to support
the development and application of market-based solutions to
pressing social problems.

Citizens for Safe Government, Inc.
PO Box 80949
Atlanta, GA 30366
Southeastern constitutional rights organization and is not
affiliated with any political party.

Constructive Action, Inc.
c/o Herbert A. Philbrick
PO Box 312
Rye Beach, NH 03871
Seeks to support and strengthen "the ideals of American
liberty" represented in the Declaration of Independence and

Free Nation Foundation
111 West Corbin Street
Hillsborough, NC 27278
Advancing the day when coercive institutions of government can
be replaced by voluntary institutions of civil mutual consent.
Publishes Formulations

Freedom School Seminars
4415 W. Pacific Coast Hwy.
Newport Beach, CA 92663
Runs 40-hour seminars teaching the principles of freedom.

Institute for Liberty and Community
Concord, VT 05824
Research institute engaged in public policy, research and
publication dealing with preservation of individual liberty,
restoration of the small scale human community, and changing
federal, state, and local tax policies.

Liberty Fund/Liberty Press
8335 Allison Pointe Trail, Suite 500
Indianapolis, IN 46250
Educational foundation to encourage study of the ideal of a
society of free and responsible individuals.

National Motrists Association
6678 Pertzborn Road
Dane, WI 53529
(800) 882-2785
(No more information at present time.)

National Secular Society (NSS)
702 Holloway Road
London N19 3NL
United Kingdom
Founded in 1886 and asserts that "supernaturalism is based upon
ignorance and assails it as the historic enemy of progress."

Rampart Institute (RI)
PO Box 22231
Carmel, CA 93922
Seeks to foster public awareness of libertarian/individualist
ideas. Publishes Rampart Individualist

Seniors Against Federal Extravagance (SAFE)
206 Main Street
Odessa, DE 19730-0602
302-475-7060 (Bill Morris, president)
Web Page: http://www.s-a-f-e.org/
Concentrates on retirement issues from a moderately Libertarian
perspective; supports Individual Medical Accounts and partial
privatisation of Social Security; non-partisan and 501(C)3; "no
age limit for membership". Founded 1997.

Social Philosophy and Policy Center
Bowling Green State University
Bowling Green, OH 43403
(No more information at present time).

28 Libertarian Organizations: Objectivism


This article is from the Libertarian FAQ, by Joe Dehn jwd3@dehnbase.fidonet.org, Robert Bickford rab.AT.daft.com, Mike Huben mhuben@world.std.com and Advocates for Self-Government http://www.self-gov.org/ with numerous contributions by others.

28 Libertarian Organizations: Objectivism

Ayn Rand Institute
The Center for the Advancement of Objectivism
4640 Admiralty Way, Suite 406
Marina del Rey, CA 90292
Email: mail.AT.aynrand.org
Web Page: http://www.aynrand.org/
Seeks to promote and expound Rand's philosophy (Objectivism)
with various resources and activities. Founded in 1985 by
Leonard Peikoff, it currently has an annual budget over $1.5

Central Jersey Objectivists
Daniel C. Ust
Email: neptune.AT.mars.superlink.net
Apparently disbanded as of Sept. '96 per email from Daniel Ust.
Old newsletters "In Principle" are being made available at
http://mars.superlink.net/neptune/InPrin.html as of July 1999.

Front Range Objectivist Group
Lin Zinser
8700 Dover Court
Westminster, CO 80005
(No more information at present time.)

Institute for Objectivist Studies
82 Washington St., Suite 207
Poughkeepsie, NY 12601
(No more information at present time.)

The New Intellectual Forum
Marsh Enright
9400 South Damon Ave.
Chicago, IL 60620
(No more information at present time.)

The Objectivist Club of Michigan
David Oyerly
1175-D Kirts Blvd.
Troy, MI 48084
Email: reedstrom.AT.fullcontext.org
Publishes Full Context.

Washington Metropolitan Study Group
Mark Lerner
2384 Hunters Square Court
Reston VA 22091
(No more information at present time.)

Libertarian Organizations: Political


This article is from the Libertarian FAQ, by Joe Dehn jwd3@dehnbase.fidonet.org, Robert Bickford rab.AT.daft.com, Mike Huben mhuben@world.std.com and Advocates for Self-Government http://www.self-gov.org/ with numerous contributions by others.

29 Libertarian Organizations: Political

Central Massachusetts Liberty Coalition
P.O. Box 2336
Worcester, MA 01613
Email: George Phillies phillies.AT.wpi.edu
Web Page: http://www.cmlc.org/
Political activist group. Supports pro-liberty parties and
events via educational action. Focus is Massachusetts
Congressional Districts 1, 2, 3, and 5. Encourages local
activism. Growing Web Pages.

Democratic Freedom Caucus
P.O. Box 9466
Baltimore, MD 21228
Email: romike.AT.crosslink.net
Web Page: http://www.progress.org/dfc/
A "progressive libertarian" group within the Democratic Party.
Very good site for shattering the bizarre myth that
Libertarians are somehow just a variety of conservatives.

Libertarian Party of Canada
1 St. John's Road, Suite 301
Toronto, Ontario M6P 4C7
Web Page: http://clipper.uvic.ca/GVLA/lpcan.html
Runs candidates for public office; conducts an annual

Libertarian Party of U.S.A.
(See entry under Major Libertarian Organizations.)

Liberty Amendment Committee of the U.S.A.
PO Box 20888
El Cajon, CA 92021
Purpose is to promote the passage of a Liberty Amendment
(repeatedly introduced in Congress as H.J. Res. 23) and "to
reduce the size and cost of the federal government to those
functions specified by the Constitution."

Republican Liberty Caucus
611 Pennsylvania Ave #370
Washington, DC 20003
Web Page: http://www.rlc.org/
Infamous throughout the libertarian movement in the 1980s and
early 1990s for their founders' repeated slanderous attacks on
Libertarian Party candidates, this group has matured somewhat
and appears to have settled down to the serious (even if likely
futile) business of trying to persuade Republicans to embrace
the ideas of Liberty. Although annoying when they confuse
conservative ideas with libertarian ones, they are nonetheless
interesting. Web site was down for a long time and recently

Libertarian Organizations: Publications


This article is from the Libertarian FAQ, by Joe Dehn jwd3@dehnbase.fidonet.org, Robert Bickford rab.AT.daft.com, Mike Huben mhuben@world.std.com and Advocates for Self-Government http://www.self-gov.org/ with numerous contributions by others.

30 Libertarian Organizations: Publications

Access To Energy
PO Box 1250
Cave Junction, OR 97523
A Pro-Science, Pro-Technology, Pro-Free Enterprise Monthly

American Enterprise
1150 17th St. NW
Washington, DC 20036
(No more information at present time.)

PO Box 2084
Norristown, PA 19404
Bimonthly publication against government serial numbers.
$5/year (cash only).

PO Box 1105
Radio City Station
New York, NY 10101
Bills itself as a "journal of aesthetics." Newsletter style.
Previous issues have included critical discussions of Rand's
theory of art. $20/yr (6 issues).

PO Box Box 94332
Seattle, WA 98124-6632
An aesthetics magazine written by Objectivists.

Ballot Access News
PO Box 470296
San Francisco, CA 94147
Email: ban.AT.igc.apc.org
Web Page: http://www.ballot-access.org/index.html
Newsletter of the struggle to end official USA government
discrimination against alternate political parties. Extensive
reporting on legal cases, party statuses, etc. $11/yr (12

400 N. High St. #137
Columbus, OH 43215
Email: phobia.AT.bronze.coil.com
Monthly newsletter for those interested in individual liberty
and the philosophy behind politics. $10/yr.

Critical Review
P.O. Box 1254, Dept. W
Danbury, CT 06813
Email: critrev.AT.aol.com
A 160-page interdisciplinary quarterly that devotes special
attention to the nature, politics, and history of capitalism
and the modern state, especially to help evaluate their effects
on human well-being.
Subscriptions: $15 students, $29 individuals, $35 foreign
surface mail, $50 foreign air.

Ethnic Enterprise News
16 Warren Lane
London SE18 6BW
United Kingdom
A bi-monthly review concerned with ethnic groups and the market

The Exchange
711 15th St SE
Cedar Rapids, IA 52403
North America's Libertarian Culture Magazine. Sample issues $5.

EXTROPY: The Journal of Transhumanist Thought
Extropy Institute
13428 Maxella Avenue, #273
Marina del Rey, CA 90292
Email: exi-info.AT.extropy.org
Web Page: http://extropy.com/
"Extropy Institute acts as a networking and information center
for those seeking to foster our continuing evolutionary advance
by using technology to extend healthy life, augment
intelligence, optimize psychology, and improve social systems."

The Freethinker
G.W. Foote & Company
702 Holloway Road
London N19 3NL
United Kingdom
Britain's oldest freethinking monthly journal. A forthright
secular view of the world. Further details from

Full Context
1175-D Kirts Blvd.
Troy, MI 48084
Email: editor.AT.fullcontext.org
Web Page: http://www.fullcontext.org/
Contains interviews of prominent libertarians, book and movie
reviews, letters and notes of interest. $25/yr (10 issues).

12400 Ventura Blvd., Suite 304
Studio City, CA 91604
(No more information at present time.)

Living Free
PO Box 29F
Hiler Branch
Buffalo, NY 14223
Newsletter promotes self-liberation. $8/6 issues.

Liberty Magazine
PO Box 1181
Port Townsend, WA 98368
Web Page: http://www.LibertySoft.com/liberty/
Liberty magazine has about 9,000 paid subscribers and sells
about 4,000 copies per issue on newsstands (the best-seller on
newsstands, according to them, of all libertarian periodicals).
Bimonthly review of libertarian and classical liberal thought,
culture and politics; contributors include major libertarian
movement figures.

Libertarian Party NEWS
P.O. Box 3391
Gainesville, GA 30503
Email: 71610.3614.AT.compuserve.com
Official newspaper of the Libertarian Party of the United

New Humanist
Rationalist Press Association
14 Lamb's Conduit Passage
London WC1R 4RH
United Kingdom
Quarterly journal of the Rationalist Press Association.

3023 N. Clark St., Suite 238
Chicago, IL 60657
Web Page: http://www.bomis.com/objectivity
Objectivist-leaning philosophy journal. $18/6 issues.

PO Box 392
Forest Grove, PA 18922
(No more information at present time.)

The Reality Check
34518 Warren, Suite 152
Westland, MI 48185

Reason Papers
Tibor R. Machan
Department of Philosophy
Auburn University
AL 36849
A libertarian-run philosophy journal. $15/issue.

224 2nd St. SE
Washington, DC 20003
(No more information at present time.)

SALON: A Journal of Aesthetics
305 West Magnolia, Ste. 386
Fort Collins, CO 80521
(No more information at present time.)

Taking Children Seriously (TCS)
23 Whitley Road
London N17 6RJ
United Kingdom
+81 808 3200
One of the only libertarian magazines worldwide that focuses on
issues affecting children. It provides a forum for discussing
ideas challenging traditional wisdom about how children learn
and how they should be treated.

The Voluntaryist
PO BOX 1275
Gramling, SC 29348
Web Page: http://members.aol.com/vlntryst/
"Voluntaryists are advocates of non-political strategies to
achieve a free society. We reject electoral politics, in theory
and in practice, as incompatible with libertarian principles."
Bimonthly publication explores non-political strategies for
achieving liberty.

Libertarian Organizations: Taxes


This article is from the Libertarian FAQ, by Joe Dehn jwd3@dehnbase.fidonet.org, Robert Bickford rab.AT.daft.com, Mike Huben mhuben@world.std.com and Advocates for Self-Government http://www.self-gov.org/ with numerous contributions by others.

31 Libertarian Organizations: Taxes

All-County Taxpayers Association
PO Box 177
Star Route
Glens Falls, NY 12801
(No more information at present time.)

Council for Citizens Against Government Waste
1301 Connecticut Ave.,NW, Suite 400
Washington, DC 20036
(No more information at present time.)

Institute for the Research on the Economics of Taxation (IRET)
1331 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Suite 515
Washington, DC 20004
Non-profit policy research and educational organization devoted
to informing the public about policies that will promote
economic growth and efficient operation of the free market

Lead or Leave
1100 Connecticut Ave. NW, Suite 1300
Washington, DC 20036
Non-profit organization focusing on deficit spending and the
national debt to make them the most important issue in

National Taxpayers Union
713 Maryland Ave., NE
Washington, DC 20002
Does ratings of Congress and Senate members, governors, etc.

Libertarian Organizations: Term Limits


This article is from the Libertarian FAQ, by Joe Dehn jwd3@dehnbase.fidonet.org, Robert Bickford rab.AT.daft.com, Mike Huben mhuben@world.std.com and Advocates for Self-Government http://www.self-gov.org/ with numerous contributions by others.

32 Libertarian Organizations: Term Limits

Throw the Hypocritical Rascals Out (T.H.R.O.)
4127 W.Cypress St.
Tampa, FL 33607
(No more information at present time.)

US Term Limits
666 11th St. NW, Suite 840
Washington, DC 20001
(No more information at present time).

Libertarian Organizations: Think Tanks


This article is from the Libertarian FAQ, by Joe Dehn jwd3@dehnbase.fidonet.org, Robert Bickford rab.AT.daft.com, Mike Huben mhuben@world.std.com and Advocates for Self-Government http://www.self-gov.org/ with numerous contributions by others.

33 Libertarian Organizations: Think Tanks

American Enterprise Institute
1150 17th St., NW
Washington, DC 20036
Private research organization dedicated to preserving and
improving open and competitive private enterprise, limited and
public spirited government, and strong and well-managed defense
and foreign policies. Apparently owns a net address, but always
refuses HTTP connections to same (aei.org).

Cascade Policy Institute
(See entry under Free Market.)

Heritage Foundation
214 Massachusetts Ave., NE
Washington, DC 20002-4999
Email: info.AT.heritage.org
Web Page: http://www.heritage.org/
Public policy research institute designed to make the voices of
"responsible conservatism" heard. Some research of interest to
libertarians, but be careful of religious-conservative bias.
"The Heritage Foundation is committed to rolling back the
liberal welfare state and building an America where freedom,
opportunity, and civil society flourish."

Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace
Stanford University
Stanford, CA 94305-6010
Web Page: http://www-hoover.stanford.edu/
"The Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace, Stanford
University, is a world-renowned library and archives, and a
unique center of scholarship and public policy research,
committed to generating ideas that define a free society." . .
. "The purpose of the Institution is to promote peace." Founded

Independence Institute
14142 Denver West Pkwy, Suite 185
Golden, CO 80401
Web Page: http://i2i.org/
"The Independence Institute is established upon the eternal
truths of the Declaration of Independence. Founded in 1985, the
Independence Institute is a non-partisan, non-profit public
policy research organization dedicated to providing timely
information to concerned citizens, government officials, and
public opinion leaders."

John Locke Foundation
200 West Morgan Street, Suite 200
Raleigh, NC 27601
Web Page: http://www.johnlocke.org/
Non-profit policy institute to conduct research, disseminate
information, and advance public understanding of society based
on individual liberty, voluntary exchanges of a free market
economy, and limited government. "The John Locke Foundation is
a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit, nonpartisan research institute
dedicated to improving public policy debate in North Carolina."

National Center for Policy Analysis
12655 N. Central Expwy., Suite 720
Dallas, TX 75243-1739
Web Page: http://www.ncpa.org/
Research foundation dedicated to the study and understanding of
mechanisms by which a free society properly functions. Wide
range of issues covered.

Non-Libertarian FAQ: Introduction


This article is from the Libertarian FAQ, by Joe Dehn jwd3@dehnbase.fidonet.org, Robert Bickford rab.AT.daft.com, Mike Huben mhuben@world.std.com and Advocates for Self-Government http://www.self-gov.org/ with numerous contributions by others.

34 Non-Libertarian FAQ: Introduction

Many USENET readers encounter libertarianism for the first time on USENET.
Such unfamiliar claims might be quite difficult to judge if we haven't had
the time to think of reasons why the claims might be false. This FAQ is
intended to review a few common libertarian claims that seem wrong to
newcomers, and present some arguments in opposition that show their

Non-Libertarian FAQ: About


This article is from the Libertarian FAQ, by Joe Dehn jwd3@dehnbase.fidonet.org, Robert Bickford rab.AT.daft.com, Mike Huben mhuben@world.std.com and Advocates for Self-Government http://www.self-gov.org/ with numerous contributions by others.

35 Non-Libertarian FAQ: About

The purpose of this FAQ is not to attack libertarianism, but some of the
more fallacious arguments within it. That done, libertarians can then
reformulate or reject these arguments. This is also needed to help people
place libertarianism and its arguments in context. It is very hard to find
any literature about libertarianism that was NOT written by its advocates.
This isolation from normal political discourse makes it difficult to
evaluate libertarian claims without much more research or analysis than most
of us have time for. Compare this to (for example) the extensive literature
of socialism and communism written by ideologues, scholars, pundits, etc. on
all sides. Libertarianism is scantily analyzed outside its own movement.
Let's fix that.

This particular FAQ is mostly a personal view of libertarianism. It is
impossible to have an objective view of something like libertarianism, and
it would be a mistake to presume this FAQ is. (Or that the FAQs written by
proponents are.) It is also impossible for this FAQ to represent all the
opposing positions to libertarianism, though I hope to see many future
contributions from others. One notable failing (common to many libertarians
as well) is that this FAQ is rather US-centric. All statements in this FAQ
can be argued further by both sides, and indeed most have in several answers
to this FAQ. However, feel free to save a copy of this FAQ and cite from it.
It may not be ultimate truth, but it can be a starting point for answers to

The editor and primary author, Mike Huben , has 20 years experience in
debate over electronic networks. Much of that has been with religious
believers and creationists, and this colors some of the arguments and
examples. No judgement or personal offense is intended, though there is a
substantial amount of ridicule of arguments (based in large part on my
belief that it is the most effective antidote to pompous argument.) I
welcome recommendations for alleviating offense while retaining the sense
and humor of the arguments.

This FAQ is an unfinished work. Vast sections have yet to be created: as in
talk.origins, we might expect perhaps 20 FAQs to eventually result. Only the
first major section (Evangelism) has been written and included here. This
FAQ is written in HTML, then converted to plain text for posting.

Non-Libertarian FAQ: What Is Libertarianism?


This article is from the Libertarian FAQ, by Joe Dehn jwd3@dehnbase.fidonet.org, Robert Bickford rab.AT.daft.com, Mike Huben mhuben@world.std.com and Advocates for Self-Government http://www.self-gov.org/ with numerous contributions by others.

36 Non-Libertarian FAQ: What Is Libertarianism?

It's hard to clearly define libertarianism. "It's a desert topping!" "No,
it's a floor wax!" "Wait-- it's both!" It's a mixture of social philosophy,
economic philosophy, a political party, and more. It would be unjust for me
to try to characterize libertarianism too exactly: libertarians should be
allowed to represent their own positions. At least two FAQs have been
created by libertarians to introduce their positions. But the two major
flavors are anarcho-capitalists (who want to eliminate political
governments) and minarchists (who want to minimize government.) There are
many more subtle flavorings, such as Austrian and Chicago economic schools,
gold-bug, space cadets, Old-Right, paleo-libertarians, classical liberals,
hard money, the Libertarian Party, influences from Ayn Rand, and others. An
interesting survey is in chapter 36 of Marshall's "Demanding the Impossible:
A History of Anarchism", "The New Right and Anarcho-capitalism."

This diversity of libertarian viewpoints can make it quite difficult to have
a coherent discussion with them, because an argument that is valid for or
against one type of libertarianism may not apply to other types. This is a
cause of much argument in alt.politics.libertarian: non-libertarians may
feel that they have rebutted some libertarian point, but some other flavor
libertarian may feel that his "one true libertarianism" doesn't have that
flaw. These sorts of arguments can go on forever because both sides think
they are winning. Thus, if you want to try to reduce the crosstalk, you're
going to have to specify what flavor of libertarianism or which particular
point of libertarianism you are arguing against.

Libertarians are a small group whose beliefs are unknown to and not accepted
by the vast majority. They are utopian because there has never yet been a
libertarian society (though one or two have come close to some libertarian
ideas.) These two facts should not keep us from considering libertarian
ideas seriously, however they do caution us about accepting them for
practical purposes.