12 novembre 2009

Military, Law Enforcement


This article is from the Feminism References FAQ, by Cindy Tittle Moore tittle@netcom.com with numerous contributions by others.

Military, Law Enforcement:

The University Conversion Project, in the September 1992 issue,
published a 32-page booklet with bibliographies, articles, list of
organizations, and organizing ideas pertaining to the links between
"Masculinity, War, Feminism and Non-Violence." Articles include
"White Men in Ties Discussing Missile Size," by Carol Cohn, "Male
Violence and Imperialism," by Lundy Bancroft, "Prostitution and the
Military," by Suniti Kumar, etc. The Guide is available for $3 plus
$1 postage from UCP, P.O. Box 748, Cambridge, MA 02142. You can get
more information by calling (617) 354-9363 from 10am to 6pm.

*Edwards, Paul N., "The Army and the Microworld: Computers and the
Politics of Gender Identity"

Epstein, Cynthia Fuchs. _Women in law_. Basic Books, New York, 1981;
Anchor Press/Doubleday, Garden City, NY, 1983.

Stirling, S.M. "The Woman Warrior," in _New Destinies_, vol IV,
Summer 1988. Baen Books.
This is a well thought-out article by S.M. Stirling entitled _The
Woman Warrior_. Stirling defends the idea of women serving in the
military. This is a response to opinions expressed by editors who
had negative comments about female warriors in fantasy stories.
Although _New Destinies_ is aimed at science fiction readers, this
article is factual and interesting. There is a list of references
at the end of the article.

McNeil, D. G. "Should Women Be Sent Into Combat?" _The New
York Times_, July 21, 1991, page E3.
A summary of the arguments for and against allowing women to serve
in combat positions. It includes the statistic that even with
pregnancy leave, enlisted women spend less time off work that
enlisted men.

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