12 novembre 2009

Families and Work


This article is from the Feminism References FAQ, by Cindy Tittle Moore tittle@netcom.com with numerous contributions by others.

Families and Work:

Alcott, Louisa May. _Working_. Schocken Books. 1977. ISBN

Beneria, Lourdes and Catharine R. Stimpson, eds. _Women, Households
and the Economy_. Series: The Douglass series on Women's Lives and
the Meaning of Gender. Rutgers University Press, New Brunswick, NJ.
Collection describing interrelationship between family and work,
patriarchy and capitalism. Also often used as a text.

Campbell, Bebe Moore. _Successful Women, Angry Men: backlash in the
two-career marriage_ Random House, 1986. ISBN: 0-394-55149-4.
It's less academic than _The Second Shift_, but gains a sense of
immediacy Hochschild lacks. _SW, AM_ discusses how the realities
of marriage have changed (mostly talking about the upper middle
class) and how the expectations and social and technical education
of both genders has failed to keep up.

Cockburn, Cynthia. _Machinery of Dominance. Women, Men, and
Technical Know-How_. Pluto Press, London and Dover, NH. 1985.
Northeastern University Press, Bostion. 1988.
A discussion of job segregation in the workplace and its
relationship to gendered assumptions, patriarchy, and technology.

Fassel, Diane. _Working Ourselves to Death: The High Cost of
Workaholism, the Rewards of Recovery_. Harper, San Francisco. 1990.
Dedication: "This book is for all those who struggle with the
insidious killer disease called workaholism. It is for those who
know that facing the reality of work addiction is to meet the
wrath of society. It is for all who long for life-giving
workplaces and a saner society." Sample chapters. -- Workaholism.
Reality & Myths -- Women & Workaholism -- The Workaholic
Organization -- Why Are We Doing This to Ourselves?

Hertz, Rosanna. _More Equal Than Others: Women and Men in Dual-Career
Marriages_. University of California Press. 1986. 0-520-05804-6.
Blurb: "...offers a provocative glimpse of changing marital styles
among young corporate couples. Frofessor Hertz describes with
perception and wit the negotiations and ad hoc accommodations
entailed as dual-career families succumb to the seduction of
success. This book will surely give pause to those who believe
that ideological commitments to gender equality will stimulate or
sustain marriage and childrearing patterns in the post-feminist
era. Rather, one detects the awesome power of corporations to
shape the private lives of even the most privileged employees."

Hochschild, Arlie and Anne Machung. _The Second Shift_. Viking Press.
A well-reasearched look at the two-pay-check marriage, sheds a
great deal of light on why so many men are still unwilling to
share the housework and childcare.

Jeffreys, S., ed. _The Sexuality Debate_.
A collection of the major articles that fueled the feminist
campaigns and helped bringh about significant reforms in the area
of secual abuse of women and domestic violence. [British]

Lang, Susan S. _Women without Children: The Reasons, the Rewards, the
Regrets_. Pharos Books. 1991. ISBN 0-89687-532-3.
Lang examines the issue of childlessness through a series of
interviews as well as citations from the social science
literature. She presents various reasons women don't have
children, then cites the statistics on the financial and personal
strains on a couple having children, the disproportionate amount
of work women do for their kids, the freedom childfree living can
bring, the fact that a majority of mothers are ambivalent about
motherhood. She tries to debunk stereotypes of childless women as
selfish, lonlier in their old age, less well off financially, etc.
While many of the older women she interviewed said they went
through a difficult period when they realized they would remain
childless, they all seemed to adapt well and go on to find other
sources of satisfaction in their lives.

Milwid, Beth. _What You Get When You Go For It_. Dodd, Mead, New
York. 1987.
Women in the professions (USA).

Milwid, Beth. _Working with Men: Professional Women Talk about Power,
Sexuality and Ethics_. Revised edition. Beyond Words, Hillsboro, OR.

Okin, Susan Moller. _Justice, Gender, and the Family_. BasicBooks,
Harper Collins, Publishers. 1989. ISBN: 0-465-03703-8.
Feminist critique of modern political theory that shows why and
how, in order to include all of us, theories of justice need to
apply their standards to the family itself. Fascinating reading.
Contains an interesting demolition of libertarian philosophy.

Paul, Ellen Frankel. _Equity and Gender: the Comparable Worth
Debate_. 1990.
Begins by explaining how comparable worth -- or pay equity
imposed by law -- is a full frontal assault on the free market by
those who scoff at the market's ability to provide justice, and
argues that the free market, not the state, is the better ally of

Ruggie, Mary, _The State and Working Women: A Comparative Study
of Britain and Sweden_. Princeton Princeton University Press, 1984.

Sayers, Dorothy L. _Are Women Human?_. Reprint. Eerdmans, Grand
Rapids. 1971.
This may be the actual reference for the next entry, which I
couldn't find.

*Sayers, Dorothy L. _Not Quite Human_.
This does a very good job of showing what it would be like for men
to be judged on the basis of their gender the way that women are.
Although it was written a long time ago, it is unfortunately still
quite relevant.

Schenkel, Susan, "Giving Away Success: Why Women Get Stuck and
What to Do About It"

Stephenson, June. _The Two-Parent Family Is Not The Best_.
The book is a fairly academic report on a survey of adults who
were raised in a variety of circumstances: by biological parents,
single parents and biological/step parents. It evaluates both
their perceptions of their happiness as children and a more
objective evaluation of their current status as happy,
well-adjusted adults. It presents extensive statistical reporting
and analysis of the results of the survey. Some interesting points:

Children in a two-parent family were more likely to have a parent
who used alcohol excessively (with implied negative effects) and
who abused them physically or sexually.

"Negative impact on children's self-esteem was affected by parents
not spending much time with their children, and greatly affected
by persistent family discord."

It appears that a child is better off with a single, interested
parent than with one interested and one disinterested parent.

"There are also indications that children growing up in two parent
families where the mother does not work outside the home, may
develop excessive dependency."

"A family with a father and a mother who does not work outside the
home represents only 8% of the families today."

Stromberg and Harkess, eds. _Women Working: Theories and Facts in
Perspective_. Mayfield Publications, Palo Alto, CA. 1978.
Commonly used text in sociology of women and work classes.
Discusses women and work across life course and by race and
ethnicity and class, and proposals for change.

Ward, Kathryn. _Women Workers and Global Restructuring_. ILR Press,
School of Industrial and Labor Relations, Cornell University, Ithaca,
NY. 1990.
Impact of multi-national corporate structure on women in
developing countries.

Weitzman, Lenore. _The Divorce Revolution: The Unexpected Social and
Economic Consequences for Women and Children in America_. The Free
Press/Mac Millian, 1985.
Author is currently a member of the faculty at Harvard. Includes
statistics on differences in standards of living after divorce
(73% decline for women, 42% rise for men). Well documented and
contains sociologically sound analysis.

Williams, Christine L.. _Gender Differences at Work (Women and Men in
Nontraditional Occupations)_ (University of California Press, 1989.
ISBN 0-520-07425-4).
A lucid discussion of occupational sex-segregation.

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