21 novembre 2009

Do libertarians support gun ownership as a personal liberty?


This article is from the Libertarian FAQ, by Joe Dehn jwd3@dehnbase.fidonet.org, Robert Bickford rab.AT.daft.com, Mike Huben mhuben@world.std.com and Advocates for Self-Government http://www.self-gov.org/ with numerous contributions by others.

57 Do libertarians support gun ownership as a personal liberty?

Libertarians,, like other Americans, want to be able to walk city
streets safely and be secure in their homes. We also want our
Constitutional rights protected, to guard against the erosion of civil
liberties. In particular, Libertarians want to see all people treated
equally under the law, as our Constitution requires. America's
millions of gun owners are people too.

Law-abiding, responsible citizens do not and should not need to ask
anyone's permission or approval to engage in a peaceful activity. Gun
ownership, by itself, harms no other person and cannot morally justify
criminal penalties.

A responsible, well-armed and trained citizenry is the best protection
against domestic crime and the threat of foreign invasion. America's
founders knew that. It is still true today.

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