This article is from the Libertarian FAQ, by Joe Dehn, Robert Bickford, Mike Huben and Advocates for Self-Government with numerous contributions by others.55 Why do libertarians want to repeal regulations on sex by consenting adults?
Nothing is more personal than the way people chose to shape theirsexual relationships. Government has no business intruding into
people's bedrooms.
This doesn't mean we must personally approve of the sexual behaviors
of others. It simply means that as long as the participants are
consenting adults, no one has the right to use the force of government
laws to try to stop or punish them.
There is no justification for throwing peaceful Americans in jail
because of their sexual choices. Let's respect people's right to
control their own bodies. [3]
[3] "The Liberator," Spring 1992, pp. 18-19, Advocates for Self-
Government, 3955 Pleasantdale Road, No. 106-A, Atlanta, GA 30340,
6a. Does this apply to prostitution also?
Every day millions of adult Americans agree to make love. There is no
justification for throwing them in jail. These are peaceful voluntary
agreements between consenting adults. A tiny fraction of these involve
Criminal penalties do not stop prostitution. They just create real
problems. One study showed it costs taxpayers two thousand dollars
every time a prostitute is arrested. Let's respect people's right to
control their own bodies.
Decriminalize sex, and let it be a private affair. [3]
[3] "The Liberator," Spring 1992, pp. 18-19, Advocates for Self-
Government, 3955 Pleasantdale Road, No. 106-A, Atlanta, GA 30340,
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