This article is from the Libertarian FAQ, by Joe Dehn, Robert Bickford, Mike Huben and Advocates for Self-Government with numerous contributions by others.27 Libertarian Organizations: Miscellaneous
Acton Institute for the Study of Religion and Liberty161 Ottawa NW, Suite 301
Grand Rapids, MI 49503
Web Page:
Promotes a contemporary understanding of the Classical Liberal
philosophy of liberty and free markets; targets clergy and
seminarians. Holds conferences, publishes a newsletter, does
op-ed pieces. "The mission of the Institute is to promote a
free society characterized by individual liberty and sustained
by religious principles."
American Justice Federation
3850 S. Emerson Ave., Suite E.
Indianapolis, IN 46203
Produced Waco, The Big Lie video.
American Motorcyclists Association
PO Box 61114
Westerville, OH 43081
(No more information at present time.)
Candlestick Publishing
P.O. Box 39241
San Antonio, TX 78218-1241
Email: David Alter
Web Page:
"Books on Faith and Freedom: A catalog containing often
otherwise unavailable books and materials on the subject of
freedom." Basically, these are Christian Libertarians.
The Centre for Independent Studies
PO Box 92
St Leonards, NSW 1590
Web Page:
"The leading independent public policy research institute in
Australia and New Zealand." Promotes free markets, individual
liberty, "democratic government under the rule of law", and a
"free civil society". Founded 1976.
Center for the Study of Public Choice
George Mason University
4400 University Dr.
Fairfax, VA 22030
(No more information at present time.)
Center for Libertarian Studies (CLS)
PO Box 4091
Burlingame, CA 94011
Holds conferences, seminars & symposia for "scholarly business
people." Publishes In Pursuit of Liberty Newsletter and Journal
of Libertarian Studies
Charles G. Koch Charitable Foundation
1401 I Street, NW, Suite 300
Washington, DC 20005
Private charity that seeks to advance the understanding and
appreciation of the value of a free society in advancing the
well-being of mankind. Offers grants and programs to support
the development and application of market-based solutions to
pressing social problems.
Citizens for Safe Government, Inc.
PO Box 80949
Atlanta, GA 30366
Southeastern constitutional rights organization and is not
affiliated with any political party.
Constructive Action, Inc.
c/o Herbert A. Philbrick
PO Box 312
Rye Beach, NH 03871
Seeks to support and strengthen "the ideals of American
liberty" represented in the Declaration of Independence and
Free Nation Foundation
111 West Corbin Street
Hillsborough, NC 27278
Advancing the day when coercive institutions of government can
be replaced by voluntary institutions of civil mutual consent.
Publishes Formulations
Freedom School Seminars
4415 W. Pacific Coast Hwy.
Newport Beach, CA 92663
Runs 40-hour seminars teaching the principles of freedom.
Institute for Liberty and Community
Concord, VT 05824
Research institute engaged in public policy, research and
publication dealing with preservation of individual liberty,
restoration of the small scale human community, and changing
federal, state, and local tax policies.
Liberty Fund/Liberty Press
8335 Allison Pointe Trail, Suite 500
Indianapolis, IN 46250
Educational foundation to encourage study of the ideal of a
society of free and responsible individuals.
National Motrists Association
6678 Pertzborn Road
Dane, WI 53529
(800) 882-2785
(No more information at present time.)
National Secular Society (NSS)
702 Holloway Road
London N19 3NL
United Kingdom
Founded in 1886 and asserts that "supernaturalism is based upon
ignorance and assails it as the historic enemy of progress."
Rampart Institute (RI)
PO Box 22231
Carmel, CA 93922
Seeks to foster public awareness of libertarian/individualist
ideas. Publishes Rampart Individualist
Seniors Against Federal Extravagance (SAFE)
206 Main Street
Odessa, DE 19730-0602
302-475-7060 (Bill Morris, president)
Web Page:
Concentrates on retirement issues from a moderately Libertarian
perspective; supports Individual Medical Accounts and partial
privatisation of Social Security; non-partisan and 501(C)3; "no
age limit for membership". Founded 1997.
Social Philosophy and Policy Center
Bowling Green State University
Bowling Green, OH 43403
(No more information at present time).
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