24 novembre 2009

Libertarian Organizations: Drug Policy


This article is from the Libertarian FAQ, by Joe Dehn jwd3@dehnbase.fidonet.org, Robert Bickford rab.AT.daft.com, Mike Huben mhuben@world.std.com and Advocates for Self-Government http://www.self-gov.org/ with numerous contributions by others.

18 Libertarian Organizations: Drug Policy

Note: an extensive list of Drug Policy organizations can be found on
the web at http://freedomnet.org/drugs.html

American Anti-Prohibition League
3125 SE Belmont St.
Portland, Oregon 97214
Email: Floyd Landrath aal01.AT.teleport.com
(No more information at present time.)

Americans for Medical Rights
626 Santa Monica Blvd. #41
Santa Monica, CA 90401
Email: Bill Zimmerman 76322.1165.AT.compuserve.com
The organization that led the drive for Proposition 215
(medical marijuana) in California in 1996. Now working on other

Common Sense for Drug Policy Foundation
3220 N Street, NW, #141
Washington, DC 20007
Email: Kevin Zeese info.AT.csdp.org
Web Page: http://www.csdp.org/
Fights mandatory minimum sentencing and other insanities of the
War on Drugs; provides legal assistance, public education,
expertise and consultation to public figures, etc.
"...dedicated to expanding discussion on drug policy..."

Drug Reform Coordination Network
2000 P Street NW #615
Washington, DC 20036
Email: drcnet.AT.drcnet.org
Web Page: http://www.drcnet.org/
"...working for drug policy reform from a variety of
perspectives, including harm reduction, reform of sentencing
and forfeiture laws, medicalization of currently schedule I
drugs, and promotion of an open debate on drug prohibition."
Founded 1993.

Drug Policy Foundation
4455 Connecticut Ave. NW, Suite B-500
Washington, DC 20008-2328
Email: dpf.AT.dpf.org
Web Page: http://www.dpf.org/
Advocates legalization of drugs and humane treatment of
addicts. Runs conferences, sells books and videos. Publishes
newsletter: Drug Policy Newsletter.

Families Against Mandatory Minimums (FAMM)
1612 K Street NW, Suite 1400
Washington, DC 20006
Email: famm.AT.famm.org
Web Page: http://www.famm.org/
"....working to repeal federal and state mandatory sentencing
laws that remove judicial discretion. To ensure equity and
fairness at all stages of the sentencing process, FAMM also
works to improve sentencing guidelines." Founded 1991.

The Freedom Organisation for the Right to Enjoy Smoking Tobacco
2 Grosvenor Gardens
London SW1W 0DH
United Kingdom
+44 71 823 6550
[unable to verify 1999.09.14]
(No more information at present time.)

Legalise Cannabis Campaign
BM Cannabis 2455
London, WC1N 3XX
+742 425122 or +71 585 1031
[unable to verify 1999.09.14]
They publish a magazine The Hookah and have information on
Cannabis & the Law/Health/Economics/etc.

Marijuana Policy Project
P.O. Box 77492
Capitol Hill
Washington, D.C. 20013
Email: mpp.AT.mpp.org
Web Page: http://www.mpp.org/
A lobbying organization committed to federal marijuana law
reform. Founded 1995.

National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML)
The NORML Foundation
1001 Connecticut Ave. NW, Suite 710
Washington, DC 20036
202-483-5500 (??)
Email: norml.AT.aol.com
Web Page: http://www.norml.org/
Advocates legalization of marijuana. Newsletter: The Leaflet
Founded 1970.

National Drug Strategy Network
1225 I Street NW, Suite 500
Washington, DC 20009
202-835-9075 (??)
Email: ndsn.AT.ndsn.org
Web Page: http://www.ndsn.org/
Devoted to circulating information about the debate over
illicit drugs. Newsletter: Newsbriefs

Religious Coalition for a Moral Drug Policy
3421 M St. NW, Suite 351
Washington, DC 20007
Argues for an end to the Drug War on religious and moral
grounds. Founded 1990.

Washington Hemp Education Network
PO Box 1217
Olympia, WA 98507
Email: Bob Owen when.AT.olywa.net
Web Page: http://www.olywa.net/when/
"W.H.E.N. is a community of volunteer hemp activists providing
verfiable information on cannabis. We counteract
disinformation, and work to change cannabis laws that harm all
Americans and their environment. We want to create informed
citizenry, reclassify medicinal marijuana, promote industrial
hemp, and end cannabis prohibition."

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